Is It Good To Donate To Charities That Feed The Poor and Starving?

When I donate money to feed starving children, what do they feed them?

What I am about to write may seem shocking and very cynical. The truth of it is shocking but my cynicism is born from experience in the real medical and food world with my eyes and ears wide open. We must realize that there are some very ominous and even downright disappointing, infuriating and depressing facts we will encounter while we investigate anything regarding large and international charities.

I suggest that you call charities you would like to support and ask specifically what food is purchased and given to the starving children. Ask from which companies the foods are bought. Then ask what specific foods are given to the children. After you get that information, I suggest that you call the company selling the food and ask what is in that food, that is, what chemicals are used to manufacture it from growing to cleaning and preparing through processing and packaging. Ask if the food sold or donated is rejected food. Then investigate what they tell you.

There is always a bottom-line and we might want to consider the source and the intentions of any non-profit organization/foundation. I discovered when investigating international food charities that most are not charities but marketing ploys to make something sinister look beneficial and even compassionate. For example, I found that mega food manufacturers, companies like Purina, General Foods and General Mills have millions of dollars of product that does not pass inspection in USA every year and cannot be sold in so-called civilized countries.

Frequently, it may be merely bad packaging errors. Regardless, those foods are always nutrient deficient and often very toxic. Generally, those foods are full of acrylamides, pesticides, fungicides and food additives, especially cereals and powdered milk. Too frequently, those products contain so many contaminates from processing that they are too toxic to peddle in "civilized" countries. How do these mega companies dispose of those products and still make a profit from them?

In the USA, if foods are not excessively contaminated according to FDA standards (which are extremely low except for raw foods), manufacturers can sell them as reclaimed product in the USA, such as at an auction but that is not enough money to cover manufacturers' costs. So, what do they do? Often, they peddle them as "good food" to third-world countries or to starving people, that is to charitable organizations. Through non-profit organizations/foundations, they lure people to donate money, usually for the cause of needy children.

Too frequently, the foods sold to charities to feed third-world countries are specifically manufactured from food-manufacturing waste. The companies make grand profits on those foods including what they save in waste disposal. Normally, such food- manufacturing waste is made into animal feed but to make larger profits, they make it into food for countries without food-standards and sold to charities that will feed the poor of the world. Should the poor and starving look a gift-horse in the mouth? Certainly.

Organizations knowingly or unknowingly buy the non-sellable "food" from mega food manufacturers. Literally, they lure the public to pay for the food, labor, shipping and handling all the way to the desperate children who are starving for nutrient-rich foods but get toxic junk food.

On the corporations' books, those products are written off as loses so the sale to non-profit organizations wipes out their tax liability on profits and profits a bundle. Guess what else I discovered? Most of those charitable organizations were established by agents of the food-manufacturers. Shocking and infuriating?

The same profit scam occurs in almost every industrial field, especially the medical and health industry. They sell their unsaleable goods and waste to organizations like Unicef that promotes aid to children of the world, especially medical aid. However, as far as I surmise, 99.9% of all medicines are toxic and should not be sold to anyone anyway.

If you want to donate to a charitable organization that is truly helpful, I suggest you support Heifer International. It promotes true community sustainability and nourishment. It does not give food directly. It teaches husbandry and farming. It gives farm animals to raise, breed and eat. They do not give meals but give livelihoods. There may be more charities like it but I have not seen any in my searches. However, I have not done any thorough searches and investigations on charities since 1990.

There are probably local charities that feed children better food. There is a restaurant owner in America who feeds poor children his very expensive food from his restaurant. Of course, unless the food is made from scratch, that is, basic organically grown raw foods, it will have industrial additives and agricultural chemicals in it.

If you want to give the best, do what I do, I give raw foods to the poor, usually bananas and avocados. Those foods are filling and health-giving. When I give foods at Halloween, I give bananas and apples, sometimes slices of no-salt raw cheese with slices of apple kept together with toothpicks, and/or slices of cheese with dates also kept together with toothpicks. You must choose what you are willing to do to help whomever you wish to help to whatever degree.