Dental Hygiene, Causes of Decay and Reversal, and Re-enamelization

(Remedies are in the last 2 paragraphs.)

Dr. Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Chemistry, stated that 30% of American youths ages 8-10 have no cavities, and 100% of Ugandan youths ages 6-10 have no cavities. Ugandan youths have 3 times better teeth because they do not consume processed acidic foods, have no fluoride in their drinking water, have regular meals rather than sipping acidic drinks all day, such as soda pops, have more calcium and phosphate in their diet, and have fewer dentists to cause more damage to teeth. However, dietary causes are only part of the picture. Industrial chemicals cause most decay.

What are other acidic compounds that damage teeth, causing tooth decay? Tooth cavities are caused by abrasive unnatural acids and gum secretions composed of heavy metals and combinations of industrially produced byproducts and toxins. We absorb industrially produced byproducts and toxins, including heavy metals from our air, water, food and medication. Many of those toxins are absorbed from medication, food additives and preservatives, pesticides, herbicides, industrially produced fertilizers in food, and cleaning compounds. Cooking causes free-radicals. Cooking destroys the natural bonds of bio-active organic vitamins, enzymes, minerals and other nutrients that help to grow plant and animal tissues. The destruction of those bonds releases the metallic minerals as free-radicals. Free-radicals often cause severe cellular destruction, mutation, and cellular death.

Our teeth are very affected because of their proximity to our brains. Our brains and nervous systems use large amounts of metallic minerals to transmit and relay electricity and light for neurological functions. Consequently, the brain and nervous system contain very large quantities of metallic minerals. Since we live in a polluted environment and eat cooked food, our brains and nervous systems contain very large quantities of destructive free-radical heavy metals and chemicals that magnetize to those metals. Our bodies try to discard (detoxify) those compounds that are stored in the brain and head mainly through gums, tongue and salivary secretions.

One of those toxins, fluoride, is hailed as preventing tooth decay. There is much misinformation about fluoride. Fluoride is harmful not only to teeth but the entire body. It has been linked with 114 ailments. The mechanism for destruction of enzymes by fluoride has been proved by x-ray studies showing that hydrogen bonds are broken by fluoride. Also, fluoride is a neuro-toxin. Dr. Judd stated that if the forecast of 80% dental improvements with the use of fluoride were true, by age 13 each American would have only one cavity. However, dental literature stated that Americans aged 7 average 13 cavities, 25% of Americans over 43 have no natural teeth and the rest average 32 cavities, and 42% of Americans over 65 have no natural teeth and all of the rest have cavities in all remaining teeth.

Fluoride is the smallest negative particle on Earth. Fluoride particles are so small and intensely negative, they interfere with the hydrogen bonds that hold enzyme coils in place. Fluoride particles destroy enzyme molecules at very low concentrations, around 1-3 parts per million. Those enzymes are often 3,000 or more times smaller than fluoride. The effect is ruinous, destroying at least 83 enzymes.1

Our bodies are always trying to counter the damage that we do to them. Most often, our bodies utilize great quantities of calcium and other minerals to absorb and neutralize the abrasiveness of toxic compounds mentioned above. When those compounds combine with calcium and other minerals, the combination too often dries and adheres to our teeth. That is called plaque. If the calcium and other minerals do not completely neutralize those abrasive compounds, the plaque will damage enamel on our teeth. Once dentine is compromised, often cavities result.

Plaque-prevention also prevents gum pockets. Gum pockets form as the caustic chemicals in plaque that irritate and inflame gums, push the gums away from the teeth. Tooth pastes that contain fluoride damage protein molecules that normally adhere gums to teeth. Fluoride interferes with the enzyme adenosine diphosphatase that normally delivers phosphate to calcium on teeth surfaces. Drinking water with fluoride added causes the same problems.

The medical establishment disseminates scientifically incorrect information about dental health, stating that bacteria causes tooth decay. Bacteria cannot damage the enamel (calcium hydroxy phosphate) and never cause tooth decay. Bacterial decay of the enamel is impossible because bacteria require carbon and hydrogen to live. Myriads of animal remains show that teeth and bones are resistant to earth-bound organisms. As I stated above, tooth decay is caused by toxins in our food, environment, medicine, cosmetics, chemicals and bad diets. Likewise, our increasing inability to restore severely compromised enamel (cavities) is the result of our extremely toxic food supply, environment, medicines, cosmetics, chemicals, and diets. If our bodies are healthy enough and we feed them properly, our bodies will generate bacteria to consume damaged dentine and sub-dentine cells. Bacteria act as janitors and consume the damaged tooth cells so that our bodies can replace them with healthy dental cells. Remedies for preventing and reversing tooth decay and gum pockets are stated at the end of this article.

We would not have cavities if we ate properly and rinsed toxic acids from our teeth regularly. Even rinsing the mouth with a little milk or other liquid after eating could help. Toothpastes all contain glycerin that coats teeth with a sticky film that takes approximately 25 washes to remove it. That film prevents teeth from re-enamelizing. Consuming food high in calcium and phosphate, such as milk, increases the probability of re-enamelization of teeth, but only when they are clean.

We cannot stop the flow of caustic toxins that are detoxified from our brains through our mouths but we can prevent caustic plaque from adhering to and damaging our teeth. We should regularly brush and rinse abrasive compounds that adhere to our teeth as plaque. Often, it takes about 72 hours only for those compounds to harm our dental cells. Brushing our teeth thoroughly at least once ever 3 days prevents caustically acidic plaque that causes cavities. Where toothbrushes do not reach deep in our gum pockets, we should rinse with a dental water-pick, removing the minerals and toxic compounds from gum pockets where minerals begin to dry and adhere to our teeth, becoming plaque.

A water-pick mixture of 1 tablespoon each of raw apple cider vinegar, lemon and coconut cream strained through a thoroughly rinsed, clean and damp white t-shirt stirred into a naturally sparkling mineral water, such as Gerolsteiner and San Pelligrino, and jettisoned on to teeth and under our gums helps remove fresh plaque. Plaque usually becomes difficult to remove after 3-7 days. Therefore, it would be wise to water-pick with that mixture once every 3-7 days. Experiment and see how long plaque takes to dry solidly and adhere to your teeth to the point where brushing followed by water-picking does not remove the plaque.

Strengthening our teeth and gums is easily done by consuming 1-1.5 tablespoons of no-salt-added raw cheese with 1 teaspoon unheated honey twice daily. That combination should be mixed together in the mouth. That mixture should be eaten at least 15 minutes from other foods. It is more effective after a meat meal but it is effective whenever we eat it. Eating 2 tablespoons of pineapple with 2 tablespoons no-salt-added cheeses twice weekly helps knit the gums back to the teeth.

1 Gerard F Judd, Ph.D. Chemistry, Good Teeth, Birth to Death.