What Is Our Likelihood Of Developing Cancer(s)?
The world's most prominent cancers expert Dr. Samuel Epstein stated that 1 of every 2 men and 1 of every 3 women will develop cancers. I stated many times, most people get cancers 5-8 times in their lifetime. Some researchers have stated that we get cancers 6-10 times in our lifetime. We are getting cancers because of our intense reliance upon chemicals that cause cancers. Most of us may have cancers throughout our lives but not full-blown die- with cancers. Cancer is not something to fear, it is something to prevent or reverse. Cancer is our bodies' inabilities to dissolve and discard dead cells; it is that simple. However, removing toxins that cause cancer is not easy.
When should we consider medical therapy for our cancers?
The pharmaceutical companies have ruled, and therefore the medical community agrees that concentrations of approximately 50 cancer cells per million cells are "treatable" cancers. Pharmaceutical and medical fortunes abound with their diagnostic procedures and most people get sicker. As people get sicker and accept more medical treatments, pharmaceutical and medical fortunes compounds. The amount of people born after 1947 who survive beyond 7 years after medical cancer treatment is about 32%. The amount of people born after 1960 who survive beyond 7 years after cancer treatment is about 17%. Decrease in survival rate is due to increases of vaccines, medications and industrial chemicals in food and the environment. It is my opinion that chemotherapy and radiation should never be accepted, and that surgery be accepted only if tumor(s) blocks breathing, digestion, urination or defecation.
But cancer is deadly, isn't it?
That is what pharmaceuticals and medicals want you to believe. However, their scare tactics are simply profit-motivated terrorism. If cancers in themselves were deadly, people would not be alive. People spend tremendous amounts of energy worrying about ailments. People worry more about cancer than any other illness. Worrying is a waste of energy and nutrients that could be utilized to reverse cancer sooner than later.
As compensation for cancer-stress, I have seen cancer sufferers do everything that increases cancer. Foods that progress cancers most (not considering additives) are high carbohydrate foods that are fried such as chips, French fries, donuts and cereals. When many cancer sufferers get upset, those become comfort foods. Comfort for what? That they will certainly suffer more and maybe die with very active cancer?
Again, cancer is nothing other than our bodies' inability to dissolve and discard dead cells so dead cells collect and form tumors. Regardless of who comes to me with cancer(s), I tell them to accept that they will die with cancer(s) and stop worrying about it. I suggest that they do everything possible to avoid anything that causes or exacerbates their cancers and make the quality of their lives as high as possible. If they do so, the likelihood of their cancer(s) reversing increases exponentially, sometimes miraculously but most often gradually. Running to medical doctors for treatment usually exacerbates cancer and reduces life- quality. How does it make sense that out of fear and panic, we contaminate ourselves more?
I am a believer in the Hippocratic Oath's first principal, DO NO HARM. Once when I questioned a doctor's oath when he frequently used antibiotics, all of which destroy digestion and consequently detoxification and healing, he stated that he did not take the oath under "legal circumstances; it's just something we pledge." That is the sad truth. Medical and pharmaceutical industries have conditioned us to ignore the Hippocratic Oath because everything they do has side effects, short and/or long term. Everything they do causes harm to people and the environment.
Considering that 1 of every 2.5 people in our industrially poisoned society and world have "treatable" cancer(s) throughout their lives, any test is senseless. Expect that we have cancer and do everything rational to reverse it. If we want to reduce our likelihood of suffering from cancers, we have to avoid anything that causes cancers. That includes avoiding processed foods and foods grown with chemicals, soaps, cosmetics and environmental pollution.
What kind of breast testing would be best?
If you want to check, gently palpate breast and armpits. The jobs of lymphatic glands are to neutralize, dissolve and dump toxins to be secreted or excreted from our bodies. The glands in the upper torso, especially breast and arm pits, have the most work to do because of all of the carcinogenic chemicals that enter lungs and stomach. We should expect swollen lymphatic glands as a daily part of our toxic lives. Some toxins will be dumped into the digestive tract to pass with feces or urine. Most will be secreted through skin after lymphatic systems dump neutralized and dissolved toxins under skin.
A swollen lymphatic gland is not an indication of lymphatic cancer. It is an indication that we have given that gland a toxic load and it is working very hard at its jobs to neutralize and discard waste and toxins. Never consider that a lymphatic gland is cancerous until it is as hard as rock and no longer functioning. We can palpate any swollen area of our bodies. If swollen areas are hard as rock, it is probably a protective coating after injury or it may be advanced cancer. If swelling is not hard as rock, it is simply our bodies isolating concentrations of toxins to neutralize and expel them.
However, for those diehard minds who want to know, thermographic screening measures infrared-radiation heat emitted from our bodies without discharging much EMFs into our bodies. The data is translated into anatomical images. It can register increased and intense blood flows to cancerous areas, if any exist.
If I have rock-hard swalling, what should I do about it/them?
Are we going to run to the medical profession to pollute us more and drastically increase our chances of dying of painful cancers, as well as considerably reduce life-quality? Or are we going to approach it rationally, eliminating any more exposure to carcinogenic substances in food, air, water and environment, and gradually removing those toxins from our bodies that caused cancer? Remember, that if you are under 50 years young, your chances of survival after medical therapies are minimal. Your chances of survival utilizing my Primal Diet are 95% or better (Dr. Elnora Van Winkle 2001).
The remedies in my books are simple but tedious and sometimes difficult. We must get the lymphatic system flowing as much and as quickly as possible without causing excessive detoxifications. Often, toxic fats from cooked oils have hardened and clogged lymphatic glands and sweat glands. It takes repeated heat applications of 102-104 degrees F. for long periods to melt them; this can take years. To help a swollen area, we can apply heat with hot-water bottle(s) through much of the night. To affect the whole body, I suggest Lymphatic Baths (see under Lymphatic Congestion in the book: We Want To Live, Revised In 2005).
Note: There is a typo in many printings of WWTL stating the baths should reach a maximum of 110 degrees F. That temperature will work to melt hardened fats in lymph, skin and surrounding tissues quicker, and perspire them through skin but it might destroy enzymes and vitamins in skin and connective tissues. Also, it is difficult to remain in baths long enough at that high temperature and most people get too exhausted to take the slow walk after bathing. It might be better to keep long lymphatic baths no lower than 102 degrees F. and no higher than 106 degrees F. Consuming the pineapple, coconut cream mixture before long lymphatic baths (from the book) will help dissolve lymphatic congestion.