Loss Of My BIOHAZARDS Research

But Another Book That Vilifies Pollution

Although, as I stated hundreds of times in the last 13 years, vaccines cause every person receiving them the greatest harm to health that is thrust upon the "civilized" world, there are myriads of toxins thrust upon us daily made of at least 60,000 chemicals that did not exist 100 years ago. My long over-due book on detoxification was going to include much information on biotoxins.

I spent 22 years collecting data on all types of biocontaminants. Two years ago, all of my files in my Biohazards folder on my computer were infected with a virus or worm that could not be removed. I lost about two thousand pages of research, references and documentation. It was the only folder contaminated of my 256 folders. I have used every ultimate virus program, trying to clean this folder but none has worked.

How was it that the only folder affected by that uncleanable virus/worm was my BIOHAZARDS folder? How could only one folder out of 256 be targeted and why? How did someone get through my firewalls of computer protection? Three high-tech computer virus technicians told me that the virus/worm infecting my Biohazard folder was personal and specific, programmed to destroy that single folder. I was told that it had to have been a very high-tech operation such as those used by FBI and CIA to monitor and destroy "enemy" data.

So, the question that begs in my mind to be answered is WHO created the virus/worm and trespassed into my computer and installed it? Who conspired to devastate 22 years of my work on biotoxins. Since every industry pollutes, every industry is suspect but who conspired to take the time to illegally break and enter/invade my computer and take the time to forage through 256 folders to infect just one? Who oversees the integrity and protects all industry?

GOVERNMENTS oversee and regulate all money-making operations and schemes from which their revenues are taxes and payoffs. However, that is no smoking gun and there is no trace of a smoking gun. By following the money, I know the most likely culprits. I simply have to conclude that the industries that most likely fear my work are pharmaceutical, medical, and food. So, my work directly affects the income of 7 of the world's wealthiest families, including the Windsor family who owns at least 70% of all industrial food-manufacturing in the world through web-works of trusts, diversionary companies and other owner-concealing contractual structures.

To some extent, those ruthless money-mongers have been vilified, not to the extent that I would have denigrated industrial polluters that cause so much disease but at least a crater-sized dent in their esteem. "The Hundred Year Lie" by Randall Fitzgerald reveals how the totality of our environment, including water, processed food, and pharmaceuticals are permeated with innumerable toxic synthetic chemicals. The scientific basis for these conclusions is well documented and impeccable and presented in readable and gripping style.

Although it does not include much of the information that would have appeared in my book, it documents the point very clearly that industry protected by government cares specifically about profits and "pays" little attention to health concerns. As I asked above, when they do pay attention to health concerns, is it usually just a smokescreen and fraud?