Bacteria and Other Microbes Are Responsible for Vibrant Health

The greatest myth and trap of society today besides the banking system is that microbes cause disease. Many astute people chide me for my resoluteness that bacteria NEVER cause human disease. Since very intelligent people all over the world firmly believe the pharmaceutical and medical theory that bacteria and other microbes cause most human diseases, I must be crazy.

This article revisits microbe phobia again because so many of the same people continue to argue that there is plenty of proof that microbes cause disease. I hope that this article will help people open their minds to realize where human diseases originate.

I have not seen ANY clear-cut evidence that proves microbes cause human diseases. Maybe that myth believed today is as sensible and true as the belief that the world is flat. The idea of a flat-Earth was argued mathematically, scientifically and theosophically up to as recently as 1980. Why and how? Some people just could not get their heads around global-Earth. So they argued and argued until most stopped after Russia's sputnik photos. Since I am a living example of a person who ought to have died millions of times from eating microbe-infested food, it is time that people acknowledge once and for all that microbes do not cause disease.

Why do people believe that microscopic creatures could usurp entire bodies and bodily systems but dangerous chemicals that kill bacteria are safe for our bodies?

Our bodies are 90-99% bacteria1. There are 100 times more bacterial DNA in our bodies than human DNA. Therefore, we are actually 99% bacterial and 1% human. Every microbiologist is taught and programmed during collegiate years to believe that some bacteria are malicious and dangerous. They do not see that the cells that are eaten by some bacteria are already dying or dead. Professors point to those bacteria and say, "they are eating cells; there is your evidence that some bacteria are harmful." Everyone is taught this incorrect biochemistry that is myth. Students are not given the opportunity to study them with an open mind. If they did, they would eventually find that those so-called bad bacteria are simply janitors, consuming severely damaged, dying or dead cells.

Children are taught by cartoons, TV shows and commercials that microbes cause disease. They do not understand that those media propaganda are as true as the cartoons they watch. Everyone is trained to be prejudiced about microbes as thoroughly as children raised by racists accept that certain races are evil. We are conditioned to accept false concepts.

Corporations that control the media and government constantly brainwash us with rhetoric stating that microbes cause disease. Corporations make chemicals that are dangerous to us and our environment but tell us that their new or improved product will somehow save us from disease because it destroys microscopic creatures. Since our bodies are 90-99% bacteria, that makes as much sense as 900+47=1.

People who live more in nature and on farms do not easily accept such propaganda because they see healthy animals licking and eating fecal matter off each other's butts and thriving. Do farmhands ever see animals washing their hooves and faces before they eat? Do they ever see animals clean their troughs before they eat? Do they see animals vibrantly healthy in the midst of so called microbial contamination?

Probably, the reason most intelligent people believe microbes cause disease is because of the spectacular advancements in electronics and mechanical technologies. Technology is extremely impressive. Intelligent people think, "if we can have such great advancements, surely medicine is equally advanced." The average individual simply unconsciously transfers those advancements onto medicine. However, medical advancements are as factual as Bugs Bunny because none of the technology is curative.

Exploring our bacterially-vibrant nature

We begin digestion in our mouths by infiltrating our food with bacterially rich saliva. We have more bacteria in our saliva than dogs and cats, according to many bacteriologists. Depending upon a person's health or lack of health, 80-90% of digestion should be bacterial from mouth to sigmoid colon. Digestive enzymes, which healthfully should be 10-20% of digestion, disassemble large particles of food so that bacteria can infiltrate and eat food molecules. Bacteria eat our food molecules. Bacterial byproducts (feces and urine) are our food!

Yet corporations that can afford to spend $100 million yearly on ads tell us we will have brighter smiles, more sex, more friends, more money and happier lives if we use antibacterial toothpastes and mouthwashes that destroy not only digestive bacteria in our salivary glands and mouths but in our brains.

Health departments bombard us with news-bites that microbes attack us. For decades E.coli was blamed for tens of thousands of cases of food- poisoning resulting in severe vomit and/or diarrhea, and some deaths. However, in about 1985, as more microbiologists observed that E.coli is a helpful and harmless natural part of bowel digestion, medicine and government diverted attention from their general E.coli-blaming to a newly created monster E.coli 0157:H7 (genetically modified?). I did not hear one peep from the scientific community and government apologizing for decades of prejudice against E.coli. Instead, they ushered to the stage this new varmint E.coli 0157:H7.

To this day, I have not found one 0157:H7 in nature, including at the infamous California fields of spinach "contamination" or at factory-farms. The only 0157:H7 I have been able to observe is a culture given to me by a university professor who got his culture from the FDA/CDC. Is this man-made creature being planted in society, hospitals and food to continue brainwashing us into believing our microbial nature is bad and that industrial chemical poisons are good? Microbial "pathogenic" activity in food does not cause food-poisoning or disease. Industrial agricultural chemicals, food additives and processing cause food-poisoning, period.

Health departments are empowered with the job of protecting people from contamination. However, their hands are tied by Big Pharmacy, Big Food and Big Industry who are the real culprits creating disease. So, who can people that are entrusted with our health blame for diseases? They blame Nature and Creation's big mistakes, microbes! They want us to believe that although man has lived at least 4 million years amongst microbes and is 90-99% microbes, microbes are giving us diseases and killing us.

Then what causes all of the vomit, diarrhea, including bloody diarrhea, a kidney disease?

Diarrhea and vomit are not diseases but a process of the body discarding toxins rapidly to prevent diseases. Chemical contamination causes most cases of food-poisoning, not microbes. Even old isolated toxins may be mined from our bodies at any time and dumped into stomachs or bowels to remove those toxins through vomit and diarrhea. Toxins of all kinds can mix in the body creating more volatile chemicals. It can occur at anytime and is usually unrelated to food previously eaten. However, sometimes chemicals in food will cause diarrhea and vomit. if someone is tested at the time of diarrhea and vomit and high janitorial bacteria (so-called pathogenic) are found eating the damaged cells, whatever was previously eaten is blamed even if it were raw food instead of the chemicals that caused the problem. That is not science but prejudicial ignorance.

Industrial chemicals accumulated alone or mixed within the body are very volatile substances that can cause any minor or severe disease. How many people do you know who have had severe burns or rashes as a result of chemical exposure and contact? Imagine how volatile those substances are internally.

Antibiotics, such as Cipro, cause severe kidney disease when administered to some children or elderly in a weakened state. The original leaflet inside Cipro warned about kidney damage. Now, that information is not on the insert leaflet. Anyone who believes that E.coli 0157:H7 can multiply in raw apple juice that is less than 15 days old and dissolve a little girls kidney and kill her has not done objective testing and believes the paid propaganda of Coca Cola through health officials. The little girl who died of kidney disease (HUS) was treated with Cipro but E.coli that was claimed to have been in the RAW apple juice and the juice was blamed.

Conditioning begins in childhood

Commercials drum into children's and parents' minds that microbes will destroy children, relationships, sexuality and lives. People are conditioned to believe that the new or improved anti- bacterial soaps, clothing and blankets will keep children safe from dangerous microbes. The chemicals added to fabric, and the fabrics themselves, are toxic and dangerous. Lint from those synthetic antibacterial fibers (that are usually forms of plastic) will enter children's mouths, nasal passages and lungs.

The toxic lint will dissolve then contaminate our children with chemicals that cause serious diseases. As those fabrics age, they produce more lint. Consequently, our children are very likely to develop cancers sooner than later in their lifetimes. Are children the only ones to ingest those fibers? What about siblings, and mothers who wash and handle those fabrics, and parents who cuddle their children swaddled in those fabrics? Everyone who wears them breathes lint every momement. Even bystanders may breathe the toxic lint. Synthetic fabrics are already plastic and plenty toxic.

Very few industrial advancements create better longterm well-being and health. All medical equipment is designed to alter your body and temporarily improve function without improving health. For example, laser eye surgery unnaturally changes the shape of a weak or damaged cornea. It does not improve poor eye-health that caused corneas to misshape. If an individual is on a very poor diet, the warped corneas will warp again within 5 years in 90% of cases.

Will doctors make money again for the same procedure? Probably, the person will pay thousands of dollars to have it done again if it is possible. In many cases, the surgery can only be performed once in a lifetime. There are no effective instructions to patients on how to increase health of eyes prior to or after surgery. When eyes do not get healthier, ophthalmologists will continue to reexamine eyesight, sell glasses and contact lenses and make lots of money.

Medical technology has NOT been developed to heal us but to repeatedly treat us for profits. As most machines are made to breakdown rather than last, (termed "planned obsolescence"), medicines are made to treat symptoms but not correct the cause of symptoms. Medications are developed with a similar concept as planned obsolescence, ensuring that we continue to consume medicines and medical therapies. However, most medication fails most people. In people whom they seem to help, medications eventually stop working. All will create longterm harm.

Why are poisons that destroy our natural bacteria implemented en masse?

Bacteria are responsible for 99% of all of our bodies' functions. Antibiotics destroy all types of bacteria, reducing digestive functions. They destroy bacteria responsible for ALL bodily functions. One 5-days antibiotic regime can destroy 1% of our bodies' bacteria, destroying 1% of our bodies. We become weaker and sicker. Who benefits from that?

Let's look at fluoride2 in toothpastes, mouthwashes and water issues. Does fluoride really prevent or stop tooth decay? In children, it often causes deformed palates and salivary glands, crooked and/or discolored teeth and tooth loss. In a test to prove fluoride was good, the community that got fluoride in their drinking and bathing water had fewer cavities because they had more tooth loss compared to the community which did not have fluoride in its water. Of course, fewer teeth equates to fewer possible cavities. So, government and corporations tell us fluoride prevents cavities. However, proportionate to number of teeth, fluoride subjects had slightly more cavities.

Government and corporations' uncanny support of fluoride is matched only by fluoride's toxicity. It is an industrial poisonous waste that cost billions of dollars to isolate, store and/or decontaminate. Government‘s military industrial complex is responsible for much of it, so they force us to add it to our municipal water systems to dispose of it and save them money. However, is that the only reason?

Could governments and corporations that control governments be using chemicals in thousands of products to control the masses?

All endocrine disruptors in tens of thousands of products reduce hormones that normally give people gumption to stand up for their rights. Animals subjected to fluoride in their water became so docile that they did not fight back when attacked and beaten to death by peer animals who were not subjected to fluoride. In concentration-camps, Hitler's regime used fluoride in water to make prisoners docile, feel powerless and disrupt mental focus. In times like these, when governments are controlled by corporations, and are completely undermining our Constitutional Rights - and our tax dollars are given as welfare to banksters and Wall-Street - does government want us docile so that we cannot maneuver a revolution as our Constitutional father's did around 1776?

How do we remedy ourselves?

Keep natural. Use coconut cream as soap. If you do not want your hair to be so oily from using coconut cream as shampoo, simply let it ferment out of the refrigerator until it turns pink and dilute it with water. Then wet your hair before applying the diluted coconut cream. Wear and use only natural materials, cotton, wool, silk and hemp. The same natural fabrics should be used for bedding, furniture and rugs.

We must avoid industrial and medical contamination. We should eat a balanced raw diet, such as my Primal Diet.

Let's return to the subject of bacteria.

What do we have to do to reverse the brainwashed myth that microbes cause most diseases? First, each of us has to realize that microbes do not cause disease. We must realize that microbial presence in disease does NOT constitute proof that microbes caused disease. Instead, it should be observed that when creatures are fed their natural diets of healthful organic foods, the greater concentrations of bacteria equate to quicker and more thorough digestion, cleansing and healing. The first time I realized that phenomenon, I was studying two cases of polio.

One case was hospitalized, receiving massive medication including antibiotics. Bacteria levels throughout the body were very low. According to medical science, that was a good thing but the patient was weakening and deteriorating more everyday. The other person experiencing polio was cared for at home with a raw diet of mainly raw meats and raw dairy. She improved everyday without antibiotics. Her bacteria levels were high everywhere within her body.

The more evidence of bacteria and poliomyelitis debris, the greater her improvements. Her poliomyelitis ran its course of cleansing her spinal cord in just 6 weeks and another 4 weeks to heal to where she could move well enough. I was astonished and elated that health could be so much more tangible and natural than the fear-mongering medical industry, its community and cohorts had made me believe.

What created the polio epidemic of the 1950's? Canned foods were thrust onto the masses during WW II. People at home were told to eat canned foods to support soldiers. How would people at home, away from war, benefit soldiers by eating metal- contaminated additive-rich processed food? No one benefited except Big Food and its investors.

My mother and many women who were food- quality-education deficient loved canned foods. They did not have to wash, cut and slice food anymore; simply open a can and plop it into a pan or dish. What followed as a result of the new tin-poisoning were epidemics of tonsillitis and polio. Tonsils are endowed with the job of protecting thyroid and brain from direct assault of substances in the mouth. When tin accompanied by additives enters the tonsils, they damage cells. Tonsils utilize fatty cells, either lymphatic or white blood cells to harness toxins. When damage to tonsil-tissue occurs, discharge of toxins throughout surrounding tissue results, causing throat and mouth rashes and swelling.

When tin and additives enter the spinal cord, polio may result if the spinal cord tries to discharge it rather than containing it in fat. Polio is a cleansing process to rid the spinal cord of metallic toxicity. Polio and tonsillitis are cleansing processes that should not be stopped but assisted with proper nutrition.

The Earth is not a flat disk and microbes are not the causes of diseases. Industrial chemicals and pollution are always the cause of disease, whether it is cooking, processing, medication or any of the causes of environmental pollution. Microbes are our helpers whether supplying, building or cleansing. All of us should be elated and relieved that we can do much more for our health than we have been brainwashed to believe. We do not have to be victims of diseases.

After that realization, we can spend worriless days and nights tending to naturally cleansing and healing our bodies, even though sometimes tediously and while having to endure cleansing reactions that are detoxification. We should celebrate our janitorial microbes.

The contagious trap

Thinking that diseases are contagious is false and blocks our peace of mind. We blame animals, other people and microbes for our diseases. If we blame others for our illnesses, including microbes within us, we trap our minds into thinking that diseases are not a part of us. We believe that we are helpless victims. Subconsciously we believe that we cannot and must not trust nature, creatures and our fellow man. When we believe that someone "gave" us a disease, we automatically think we must attack that person and our bodies to remove the disease. Everyone is scathed in wars, including victors.

Reality is that diseases come from industrial toxicity only. And when toxicity accumulates, it often destroys parts of or entire systems in our bodies. I have heard so many people claim that an ex- boyfriend or girlfriend gave them herpes virus. In cases of herpes, toxins such as heavy metals store in nerves. Everyone has metal in her/his nerves in our industrial societies. We may not know that we have metals in nerves because we do not have signals (symptoms). Often metallic minerals cluster and cannot pass out of nerve endings easily. However, when our bodies decide to detoxify metals from our nerve-endings and it causes painful sores, we discover we have herpes.

According to Robert H. Shaw, M.D., Beverly Hills, California 85% of people in industrial society have herpes, including maidens who have never had sex. Elderly people who do not engage in kissing or sex get it. Viruses are not contagious; they are a natural part of every body.

Why, then, do some people develop herpes after being in contact with someone who has herpes? Is it the person whose body has already begun to detoxify metals from his or her nerve-endings and has herpes sores? That is who the medical and industrial community want you to blame. However, the only contagion that is possible is educational, not microbial. Your body may learn how to detoxify nerve endings by observing another body in the process.

There is the climate-factor that is constantly written off as contagion. Flu is the most widely believed to be contagious because people in the same family get it one after another or all at once. Here is the best analogy I know. Bears rise from hibernation earlier in USA than they do in Canada and then Alaska. Are bears contagious because they appear first in USA then Canada and then Alaska? All intense cleansing cycles of our bodies are periodic, sometimes seasonal.

Our lifestyles that cause us to ingest toxic industrial metals are responsible for herpes and all diseases. We can change our lifestyles. If we are fortunate enough, we can live in rural areas without industry and its contamination. However, even if we cannot, we can avoid processed food full of 60,000 different industrial chemical additives. We can eliminate or at least drastically reduce toxins in our homes and offices. Then we can create environments that are conducive to better health.


2 "The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That keep it There" by Connett, Beck and Micklem. Publisher at and reviewed by Prof. Vyvyan Howard