Q&A Of May 27, 2012
Transcriber: Colin - Thank you, Colin!
Question & Answer Session to Attendees of a Primal Potluck Location: Carlsbad, California
A = Aajonus
G = Group
A: Ok, I’m just going to go around to start off. Fred – do you have a question?
G: Yeah, making kefir and cottage cheese – I’ll make it and a lot of times it ends up different, but I know you’ve said there’s three different types of bacteria, so I was wondering if you can maybe talk about how the variables affect what you get.
A: The temperature will decide which bacteria – you’ve got three main bacteria in milk: You’ve got acidophilus, bulgaricus, calcoaceticus.
Calcoaceticus digests the proteins; the bulgaricus digests the fats; the acidophilus digests the sugars. Depending upon the temperatures – if it’s cold the fat usually is prominent – the bulgaricus – is usually higher. That creates a more soured, and sometimes even bitter, flavor. The warmer it is, usually the acidophilus will predominate and you will have a sweeter kefir or yogurt. If you want to make sure that the acidophilus predominates all the time, so if you have a sweet rather than a sour kind of a taste bud, then it’s good to put a little bit of honey in it. It doesn’t take much to spur the acidophilus to be more active – probably a tsp. per quart of milk is enough to gear it on the sweet side. Of course, the more honey you have the sweeter it’s going to be. And it won’t be just the sweetness from the sugar – it’ll be the sweetness from the milk because the acidophilus will be more prominent at that point. More of the sugars will be digested along with the minerals and minerals make things very sweet too. A lot of times you can have something that’s very sweet tasting and not have any sugar in it – that’s because it has the alkalizing minerals which have a sweet flavor.
If you have milk that separates like Cathy’s there you can just put it in a blender for three seconds and it’ll be back in to a thick kefir again. And it just takes three seconds. Maybe not even three seconds – two to three. If you want an acidophilus or a yogurt that is best for you as a human then you use your own saliva as your starter. You’ve got more bacteria in your mouth and your saliva than dogs and cats and that’s where we start our digestion. Remember, digestion is supposed to be at least 90% bacterial, so it starts in the mouth. If you take some milk and swish it around in your mouth for a minute or so and then expectorate that back into the milk that’s using your own bacteria. When you use a cow’s rennet or the grains from a cow’s stomach to make your yogurt or kefir it will compete with yours; it won’t encourage your particular kind of bacteria because ours are different from that of a cow or a goat or a sheep or any animal where they use the rennet to help that. So, using your own saliva will always produce the best bacteria for you as an individual.
G: Sometimes it comes out almost fizzy – what causes that?
A: It’s turning alcohol. That means it’s getting too hot too fast and a lot of alcohol forms in it. That causes a gaseous reaction.
G: And I’ve had that even in the fridge – I’ve just let it sit in the fridge, but for a long time – maybe several weeks. That’ll still do it?
A: Yeah, that’ll turn to alcohol. Absolutely.
G: Anything to prevent it doing that? Because sometimes it doesn’t it and sometimes if does.
A: It depends upon how warm the milk got before.
G: Oh, you mean before you put in the fridge? Oh, ok. So, that’s probably why it got warmed in the fridge.
G: You don’t want it warm, right?
A: I like it warm. I will make my kefir out of the fridge and then put it in the refrigerator, but I’m usually consuming it within a week; mine rarely ever goes beyond a week.
G: Ok, thanks.
A: If it does go beyond a week it will get fizzy and separate.
G: Oh, ok.
A: You can blend it and that will get rid of some of the gas, but still you have a high concentration of alcohol in it.
G: Which is not good?
A: No, it just causes more detoxification.
G: Oh, ok. And there’s no limit. Let’s say you’ve got some kefir and you’ve got a whole bunch – you can keep it for months, right?
A: Yeah, it’s up to you. And if you’re like the Germans you like it stinky and rotten. Really nasty stuff.
A: Ok, do you have a question?
G: Yeah, Suzanne Somers I saw on TV she lost –
G: I can’t hear you.
G: She lost a breast from cancer.
G: What?
A: Suzanne Somers – she lost a breast.
G: She had adult stem cells implanted and she grew it back.
G: What? She did?
A: She had adult stem cells implanted and grew it back.
G: Would that work, Aajonus?
A: Yeah, I’ve got a man who’s been on the diet for 12 years and that’s what he does –
G: Stem cells?
A: He has an international stem cell company in Bangkok. Some people fly to him or he has connections with quite a few –
He had his own clinic but his son overspent money and absconded with $5M. His own son bankrupted him. Can you imagine? So, sometimes you can’t even trust your own blood.
G: How do you grow the cells? Just go to a place where they grow the cells?
A: Yeah, what you do is go and have the blood taken and there’s a way to separate the red blood cells without a chemical – normally they’d use some solvent to dissolve them, but stem cells are whole large cells and there’s a magnetic way to separate them. So, then they separate the adult stem cells and then reproduce them in a laboratory in Israel and then send them to whatever country it is and then they inject them.
Don Ho hadn’t worked in I think it was about four years. Everybody know who Don Ho is?
G: He’s a singer.
A: Tiny bubbles in Hawaii (singing) youtube.com. You know, famous Hawaiian singer through the sixties and seventies, and anyway he had a heart transplant and a lot of difficulty – bypasses – and nothing was working out so he went to my friend Don in Bangkok and he had – well he had stem cells taken here sent to the lab in Israel and injected into his heart in 40 places. He was back to working in two months.
I saw one elderly man that was in a wheel chair and he had the stem cells injected all in his heart and he was playing tennis in three months.
G: Is it very expensive?
A: Very expensive: Thirty to fifty thousand.
G: For a shot?
A: For just one.
G: For one sprint – shot?
A: One. Well, you get 40 to 50 injections of it.
G: Oh, wow.
G: For one treatment.
A: One treatment, yeah.
G: You can do it to the spinal cord you think at some point?
A: You could do it to any part of the body. It’s just that you have to have a Doctor who is familiar with stem cells. They segregate - isolate from the blood; there’s pancreatic for diabetics; there’s heart for heart; there’s lung; there’s spinal cord.
G: You have to know the difference.
A: Yeah, you have to know the difference and you have to have a laboratory who knows how to do it and then a Doctor who will inject them into that area of the body. But I’d rather just eat bone marrow.
G: You can get the same results?
A: Yeah.
G: But that’s going to take thirty or forty years.
A: Not necessarily.
G: This goes automatic.
A: Yeah, it will go automatically to that part of the body – yes, it will – but if you put hot water bottles on the area where you’re having difficulty and you’re taking the 90 minute hot baths every day, your system’s going to move fast. In the last three years – I still have two more to go before I’ll be satisfied with the results – but having people doing 90 minute baths instead of just 40, 45 or 35 to 50 minute baths, doing 90 minute baths plus eating cheese anywhere from every 15 to 45 minutes of the day to collect the poisons that are in the intestines and stomach so it doesn’t remix it with the food and then you re-digest your poisons that are in the system. The hot bath: Make sure that you have melted it out of the lymphatic system and perspired it out of your skin where 90% of toxins are supposed to leave the body.
So, people used to progress at the normal rate that Howell and Pottenger found that it took animals to reverse their diseases, which was five generations. So, for humans that would be 37 to 40 years. Since I’ve had people doing it at least five days a week, 90 minutes a day, plus eating the cheese every day – anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes daily – the increase in lymphatic activity and cleansing and healing has tripled.
G: Wow.
A: So, I don’t know if there’s a point where some things can move so fast and some things can’t – I’ll get a better idea in five years and ten years and 15 years, but right now the initial results show three times faster cleansing and healing.
G: Can you break it up in the day, like half an hour –
A: No, it needs to be a 90 minute stretch.
G: At one time?
A: Yeah. Imagine this: You’ve got a stick of cold butter in a 2-cup glass jar. You’ve got a 105 degrees outside. How long is it going to take for the outside heat to change the temperature of the inside air around the butter, which is generating a colder temperature? How long is it going to take? It takes 90 minutes.
G: Do you have to have the food you recommend in the water or just –
A: Well yes, in the water if you have municipal water. If you have well water you don’t have to put ingredients in the water.
G: Ok, so what if you’re not able to get some of the ingredients? What if you can’t get the butter, and cream and the milk to go in the water?
A: You don’t put butter in the bath.
G: Well, you told my daughter coconut cream, butter and cream and she can’t get the butter and the cream – she can’t get milk and so –
A: She can get the coconut cream and vinegar?
G: Yeah – the coconut cream, yeah.
A: I must have made a mistake – it should have been dairy cream and coconut cream and –
G: Do you need dairy cream in the water?
A: Yeah.
G: Yeah, but you told her dairy cream, coconut cream and butter.
A: Milk, coconut cream and it should be dairy cream if you want, but I just use coconut cream, milk and vinegar and sea salt or Epsom salt.
G: What if you can’t get – she had no milk and I didn’t either when I was over on Maui trying to find any milk – you can’t get milk, cream, butter, nothing. So –
A: You have to have it shipped in if you want that from the big island, or from Pennsylvania.
G: No, I asked Lee Parrish from the big island and if he ships it over and he said no.
A: They don’t have it now. They don’t have it now, yeah. But you can use the coconut cream and vinegar.
G: So, she can just use those two?
A: And then salt – sea salt.
G: Individually it does something different to the body?
A: Well, the sea salt will cause the body to get hotter and perspire. Sodium is an explosive. That’s why it’ll eat things away, that’s why it’ll rust things – it’ll eat a steel ship apart over time because sodium is an explosive when it’s isolated; it’s more volatile than nitro glycerine. That was one of the projects that my father worked on for the General Electric that worked for the military. That was one of the projects he worked on and they received $2 billion to make sodium into a weapon - and just a degree and a half temperature change would set it off, so they could never do it. But a crystal the size of a football would take out all of New York City; all of the buildings – just one crystal – that big. That’s why they wanted it as a very efficient bomb because there’s no way to control it, which is a good thing. We can do it bad enough with uranium and stuff like that. Anyway, it has the tendency to break up the dead cells in the skin – it helps dissolve them. It also helps neutralize things like fluoride and chlorine in the waters.
Then the milk can absorb the calcium, the phosphorous, the magnesium and the potassium and the milk absorbs those toxins so they don’t get absorbed into your body. And the coconut cream is just to make your skin nice and soft so it doesn’t dry out when you get out of the bath.
G: What about apple cider vinegar?
A: Apple cider vinegar helps neutralize some of the poisons in the water.
G: Does it actually go in to the body?
A: No, it doesn’t – not in my tests with it, it hasn’t. But there’s – you’ve heard of chelation therapy?
G: Yeah.
A: When they put DMSO or some of those toxic chemicals into your body to get heavy metals out?
G: Yeah.
A: Well, the same amino acids are in raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar – why would you use a chemical when you can use raw apple cider vinegar? Doesn’t make any sense, but that’s how they make a lot of money – those alternative therapists.
G: You didn’t take it internally, did you?
A: Yeah, absolutely.
G: What?
A: Yeah, like I said in my last newsletter – ever since I was about 14-years-old or 15 ½ – I don’t remember when the tests were done – in my right carotid artery I had plaque on that artery and I have it checked about every three to four years by Lifeline Services. And I always had it checked and never did anything about it – it never bothered me – I’m not an athlete so I don’t care. But then I decided to experiment, so for a year period I alternately had a tbsp. of vinegar either in some milk or in the sports formula probably 45 times in a year and when I went back and had it tested the next time, all the carotid artery was clean. That quickly and that’s the only thing I did differently.
G: Did you put it in the kefir or milk with a tsp., did you?
A: Well, I didn’t put it in with kefir – I just put it in with milk, but you can put it in kefir if you like it in kefir. That’s fine.
G: I know you mentioned the clay too. That goes in the bath, too?
A: You can put the clay if you don’t have some of the other ingredients.
G: So, when you said clay – is that benzonite or French clay or –
A: Well, your bentonite clay – a lot of people misuse that. Bentonite clay was originally all from volcanic waste. That’s not a good source. What happens when you have a volcano? When you have a volcano it reaches sometimes 3000 degrees, but it averages around 2300 degrees, so all of your volatile minerals – calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, zinc – all of those are gaseous – they’re gone. So, all you have is toxic heavy metals left in your lava. So, if you’re taking clay from a lava bed, it’s going to be concentrated in toxic metals – mercury, lead, uranium – all that stuff. That’s not a good thing – so I use Terramin clay and the French clays.
G: French what?
A: There’s a French clay – Azteca, or Aztec, or Azteca clay?
G: (Inaudible).
A: Well, I don’t know what it is now – I have quite a few batches. It’s taken me years to go through them – pink containers. Back then when I got mine – Aztec clay. I don’t use Aztec clay much anymore – I use mostly Terramin clay.
G: What’s the source of the Terramin clay?
G: The Terramin is out in the Mojave Desert. It was an old thermal aqua bed and of course way down deep it was a much higher temperature, but they mine it where it never went over 98 degrees and 98 degrees was when you saw it altering the structure of phosphorous. So the phosphorous is still intact – all the calcium phosphorous – all the minerals intact. That’s the only one I know that’s intact. Ok.
A: Do you have a question, Alice?
G: Yes, I do: It’s what foods are the best foods to eat to grow your breasts big?
A: She wants to know what’s good to grow big breasts.
G: Well, I’m not going to be shy. I’m going to say it.
A: Bone marrow and chicken and fish and of course any glands of an animal. These muscles around the breasts, they need to be exercised to get the circulation in better. So even if you’re doing light push-ups – just like put your arms out as far as you can and then just go like this and that exercises those muscles around the breasts - those get strengthened; the actual glandular tissue strengthens with it and that’s the best way to do it.
G: Because I was doing the ovaries for a year – for over a year and I didn’t notice anything. I would do them in a shake – I would blend them up, but –
A: Ovaries aren’t very strong and testes are. Any good hormone. You know a calf’s thyroid which is very large. Buffalo thyroid is the size of – you’ve got this huge animal and you’ve got a little thyroid this big.
G: So, a calf or a buffalo thyroid would do?
A: No, a buffalo thyroid is too small – you’re not going to get much from it, but a calf’s thyroid is about 2 ½ pounds. An adult cow’s thyroid, you’re lucky if it’s –
G: Where do you get a calf’s thyroid?
A: Well, you have to get in touch with an Amish farmer or a farmer that’s butchering a calf.
G: So, just like how much bone marrow would you have a day with your meat?
A: If you want to grow them faster – you see how mine are developing nicely – you can have probably 3 tbsp. a day with your meat meal.
G: Oh, really?
A: Yeah, with a glandular meal or a meat meal.
G: With a glandular meal.
G: So, chicken and fish and –
A: But it takes time to digest it, get in to the blood – strong. So let’s say it takes about four hours, then you start exercising after that four hour mark. Let’s say you do 30 of those light-with-your-arms-stretched-out – if you can do them out even further it’s better – the farther you get them apart the more you hit the pectoral muscle there. And you don’t have to do it bad – just get a little pressure – it’s doesn’t have to be huge. If you’re way down like this it’s going to be very hard.
G: It starts some activity in that area – the muscle?
A: Yeah – right.
A: When you’re doing it like this you’re mainly going to get your trapezius muscles back here and you’re not going to get a lot in this area, but when you stretch them out you can feel it going all the way across here.
G: So, you think the thyroid is the best in terms of a gland?
A: So much. You know there’s those large glands in some animals, especially the calf.
G: What do you want to do if you don’t want them to get that big?
A: You want to reduce your breasts; put hot water bottles on them.
G: There you go.
A: Perspire out the extra fluids. It does.
G: Does it shrink the fat?
A: It’ll shrink the fat and it’ll get rid of the –
G: (Inaudible).
A: Well, you can get in touch with one of the Amish farmers – Amos or Eli, or one of them.
G: Get a calf one?
A: Yeah. I mean they don’t butcher calves very often.
G: Like blend it up with cream and honey or something? What do you think?
A: Well, brain is a good one too. Brain is probably a little easier to get because you can get a brain from any animal that he butchers regularly and most people won’t eat the brain – I love the brain – it’s so sweet.
G: Really?
A: You know.
G: Do you ever blend it up?
A: I like it just like it is.
G: Just the way it is?
A: Once you blend a brain, it starts turning right away.
G: Oh, it does?
A: Yeah.
G: Ok. But the thyroid then – I mean I can just have that straight up? Is it firm? I can just cut it up?
A: Yeah, it’s firmer. It’s not soft and melts like the brain. You can blend it, definitely. Ok?
A: Diane, do you have a question?
G: You answered mine for now about the plague.
G: What?
G: You talked about the plague.
A: Oh, you asked that question about the plague. Ok. And thank our host again – thank you so much.
A: Do you have a question?
G: Yeah, I’ll take a question.
G: I’m going to ask a question I’ve asked a few times because I’d like to understand it better. Can you give a synopsis of the bacteria starting from your mouth for your digestion that operates? Like breaking down your food, you’re digesting it. You’re also talking about bacteria, but where does it start, what are the bits and pieces –
A: Well, it starts in the mouth, like I said; it starts in the mouth. A ton of bacteria infiltrates the food to start breaking it down. Then it goes to the stomach. Your body secretes hydrochloric acid that’s to dissolve larger pieces of protein meats, so you’re eating cheese to help you break down clumps of protein. If you have minced meat you don’t need much hydrochloric acid because it’s already in almost a liquid pated form, so the bacteria’s needs to infiltrate.
Campylobactor [pylori] which is a prominent bacteria in the stomach – and the Health Department says “Oh, Campylobactor – that’s a dangerous bacteria”. Bullshit! It isn’t a dangerous bacteria – it’s part of the digestive process. Then as it moves down to the lowerr part of the stomach, the bile secretes it into there - from the bile duct coming from the gall bladder - and that helps digest fat. It helps breaks down larger molecules of fat so that the bacteria that eat fat can infiltrate it and break it down easily. Fat molecules are very resilient – just like you put fat on anything, even gasoline takes time to eat through the fat. So, fat is difficult to break down without bile. And then after the bile fractures the membrane of the fat cells, then the bacteria can infiltrate it and eat it. And remember: the feces, the urine, the sweat of bacteria are our nutrients – that’s our food. So, you’ll get beyond your squeamishness when you realize we all eat piss and shit and sweat – it’s just a bacteria. So, get rid of all that squeamishness when you realize that. And no animal’s or creature’s urine and feces are supposed to be toxic. It’s usually just bi-products of organic waste that can go into feed the ground or feed some other creature. Feces is merely food that isn’t completely digested – it’s not supposed to be toxic. So, it feeds the ground. Dogs eat it. Any creature eats fecal matter – that’s their diet. It’s just partially digested food. You shouldn’t consider feces something as a toxic, nasty substance. How many animals go around licking each-others butts every day, and their own? If it were a problem we’d all be dead. No creature would be alive today.
G: What about all the toxins in (Inaudible) that makes it worse?
A: Yes, that makes it toxic. Any animal that’s eating processed food with the 60k chemicals that they now use in food processing will have toxic feces and urine.
And then when you go into the small intestine, you have several types of bacteria there and it just continues eating that which you’ve eaten. And then that’s absorbed into the lacteal system. The lacteal system is a fine web network that goes from the intestinal tract all the way out to the lymphatic system. When the food is digested – I don’t care if it’s blackberries or blueberries or anything dark or beets – bright red – everything that the bacteria eat turns milky – it looks just like this when it gets into the lacteal system when they finish digesting it. Their urine, their sweat, their feces is all milk.
Then the lacteal system absorbs it and breaks it down even farther until it gets to the lymph system and the lymph system is a translucent to an opaque milky substance. And then lymph system has the job to feed every cell in the body, but most people’s lymphatic systems are so jammed with hydrogenated vegetable oils – which is plastic fat – that the lymphatic system can’t even clean itself – which is its second job – first job is to feed every cell – second job is to clean all the waste out of the body – all the by-products of metabolism out of dead cells – whatever it is. The lymphatic system is given the job to dissolve all that, neutralize it, send it under the skin for perspiring out of the body. 90% of wastes are supposed to leave through the skin in perspiration, but when the lymphatic system is blocked it doesn’t happen. So, the lymphatic system rarely transports nutrients anymore – the blood stream does it. And the blood stream is only supposed to transport oxygen to develop energy with fats in the system from whatever your body makes the fats – and it can make it from a lot of things, but the only pure fat for a human is animal fat. So, that’s the best. So, the lymphatic system is supposed to beat every system in the body but rarely does it happen. Rarely In any animal does it happen unless they’re a raw-fooder and not being fed inorganic toxic industrial chemicals.
Then in the bowel when it gets down to there – now the bowel is relatively short; the whole digestive tract is 12 times the length of our torso, so three times 12 is 36 feet, so our intestinal tract is 36 feet yet the bowel is only about 3, 3 ½ feet. What is in the bowel? The bowel is mainly e. coli. What do e. coli and that colon bacteria break down? The same foods! It works on the same foods that have been digested by other bacteria in the small intestine, only they break the fat and the protein down into a more finite molecule to feed the brain and the nervous system. If you have depression it’s because you have low bacteria in the intestinal tract, or some poison in the bowel that’s interfering and getting to the nervous system by way of feeding the nervous system and brain. If you have anxiety that’s a matter of lack of exercise – you have hormones for physical activity that need to be expressed and then if you don’t express them through physical activity you’ll be in anxiety and you’ll get to work it out emotionally. And that’s no fun – it’s not good with relationships. So, that’s the intestinal process.
G: Someone told me that different bacteria are in a list somewhere? You know how they teach one thing in regular medicine?
A: Well, you have different types – it depends on what diet you’re on – if you’re on a vegetarian or vegan diet you’ll have different bacteria because your body will try to adapt to the diet you’re on. Nobody does it well because what you have to do is you have to adapt – like a cow, or a goat’s, or a sheep’s bacteria. When you do that – a sheep and a cow and a horse – all of them – have 2 and a half times more digestive tract than we do; it’s 30 times the length of their torso. They take 48 hours to digest their food – to break down the cellulose to get the fats and the proteins from it. They have 60k times more enzymes to do that than we do. So, our bodies will try to adapt – but never accomplish it – but still try to adapt. So, your bacteria are different… from a carnivore, herbivore, a fruitarian – all of those are different. And we should have – pigs and humans – should have the whipworm – trichinosis. That is the main digestive parasite in a human that should belong there.
G: I saw an internet article – it says getting it in the brain leaves you with a brain fart.
A: That’s all myth. I would have been dead thousands of times. And you saw those maggots on the brain you saw there? That was a made-up film – that wasn’t real. They put them on this brain and around this – it’s an animal skull – it’s not even a human skull – it’s not even a human brain. They make up all kinds of shit. The pharmaceutical industry is really evil – and government; they have these people who make up these stories. I have worked with people who were supposed to be the worst risks towards raw milk and raw meat and none of them ever had a problem. The only person I knew that had a problem with – he called it and he said the doctors told him it was because he had trichinosis from a mongoose. He was a fruitarian for five years. He had broken down his digestive tract and of course the trichinosis was trying to help him out by digesting, but the pharmaceutical and the medical industry says: “No, that’s the bad guy” and people believe it without any proof whatsoever. And it’s really sad.
G: So Aajonus, getting back on the question that was just asked on moving the lymphatic system: Can you help that by jumping on one of those little rebounders – those mini-trampolines and those that. I mean, would that do anything for you?
A: Ok, let me take a cold stick of butter. Imagine this is a cold stick of butter. Ok. You’ve got a cold stick of butter. Is that going to do anything to this cold stick of butter? Is that going to move it?
G: It doesn’t look like it.
A: No, when your lymphatic system is hardened it’s not going to help a bit.
G: Yeah.
A: If you’re healthy and your lymphatic system is fluid and moving it’s a great way to keep it moving. But if you’re not well – if you’ve got plastic fats in your glands and nodes – you can jump until hell freezes over and it’s not going to move it – it’s not going to change it.
G: You say it actually cuts you sometimes. Would you actually break that apart to stop it cutting you inside or something like that? What do you think about that?
A: Well, if it hardens into a crystal – yes.
G: Or would you get a massage?
A: Well, let’s say you’ve got congested circulation in the lymphatic system and it’s a hardened vein and you go in and break it and it dries out more when it gets into your system, it’s going to crystalize. If you go and massage that it’s going to cut and lacerate everything inside – not a good thing. A good lymphatic system massage is a tickle therapy – very light; very sensational. Hot baths are your only real true lymphatic movement. It has to be 105 degrees, but –
G: Can you rebound after the hot bath? Would that be a good thing?
A: Well, that would be ok, but how much of it gets melted? I have people that have stayed in a hot tub – go to a hot springs and stayed 10 hours a day. Yeah, you do a rebounder after 10 hours a day you’re going to really move that stuff. But after 90 minutes – I don’t know how much a rebounder is going to help. It’s hard to get people to do 90 minutes a day, much less –
G: What you do is get a timer.
A: And I tell everybody do your first 90 minutes sleeping. 90 minutes sleeping in a hot tub. Sleep that first 90 minutes.
G: (Inaudible) in a bath water.
A: Well, I’m trying to invent right now a combination of a filter, pump and heater. So, a hose will go into the bottom at your feet, but in the hot water and the cold water will come out around your waIst, or near your shoulder, so the water will circulate in. So, you can take a bath the way you would in a hot tub – keep the bath hot.
G: Oh, wow.
A: But, I’ve looked at about 70 pumps right now – all the way from pond pumps to aquarium pumps – and they all broadcast an EMF field three to four feet. You’d have to put that way, way from your bath tub and then you won’t be able to adjust it. So, I have to find something or I have to have a pump made that uses alternators rather than transistors so you can get rid of the EMF field. And it’s only 50 cents more per alternator transistor. Like all these cars and everything – it would cost companies about $5 more to make non-EMF-generating cars. $5 more.
G: Can you ask for them to do it?
A: They won’t do it.
G: Why would they do it?
G: They want people to be sick. Most of the people who own oil and the car industry also have their major investments in pharmaceuticals. They want people sick – all of them do – big money.
A: Do you have a question?
G: So Aajonus, have you seen someone regenerating tooth enamel?
A: Yes I’ve seen it, but not on people over 35 – or over 32.
G: Oh, really. Ok, so one of my daughters – you told her, her brain was toxic and so some of the enamel on the front of her teeth was missing. What can she do for that?
A: Well, she has to eat lots of cheese. She has to eat cheese like every 30 minutes – a little sugar-cubed size 9 ½ tsp.
G: So, how do you keep from getting so constipated from the ingredients?
A: Well, you’ll just have to use a suppository.
G: So, how long would it take her to start regenerating?
A: Hold old is she and how long has she been on the diet?
G: 38. You really just met with her on the big island, but since she can’t get milk and some of the other ingredients – she’s eating raw now – she was a vegan before, but she’s eating more the way you suggested she eat but she can’t get all of those foods, so –
A: Then she probably won’t regenerate it.
G: Well, you know Jennifer Nelson?
A: Yeah.
G: She had the same – I don’t why hers was missing – but she had some missing, and she’s been doing energy healing work and I see her every couple of weeks at the co-op and it’s starting to –
A: Yours is?
G: Jennifer Nelson.
A: No – yours or Jennifer Nelson’s?
G: Jennifer Nelson’s teeth are starting to grow – the enamel is starting to come back.
A: Well, she hasn’t shown me that, so I don’t know. I have to see it to believe it.
G: Yeah. Yeah, so –
A: Like I said, I’ve only seen it in people up to 32-years-old. And they’re doing the diet 100% – they do the cheese, and the milk and everything.
G: Joe’s got it. She got the enamel back – Joe.
G: That was remineralisation.
A: Remineralisation is not re-enamelling.
G: What’s the difference because (inaudible) enamel.
A: Yeah, but the enamel is a harder substance.
G: Like 60% calcium?
A: Yeah, but still it’s almost like a silica, glass-based substance. Remineralisation is maybe re-mineralising the tubules. Now, that can get hardened and make a harder surface like a dentine – the enamel – but it’s not quite as hard – it’s discolored. You know, it’ll be discoloured. When you have true dentine enamel it’s white.
G: Some sort of –
G: (Inaudible). Before 35 you can form that last layer again?
A: I’ve seen it done up to 32. The first person I saw it was a 24-year-old.
G: And so you just lose those sort of gaps in your teeth or –
A: No, they can fill out but you won’t get a dentine on them.
G: Re-mineralise.
A: Re-mineralise, but not dentine.
G: So, should she go to the dentist though to get something that’s going to –
A: It’s up to you – you can have a bonding put on it, but then you’re going to poison your tubules again.
G: Yeah.
A: Do you have a question?
G: Yeah, first of all I want to mention – I have those cards if anybody is interested again on – I’m trying to push for this – they’re going to have some people who’ve actually had morgellens disease –
A: She’s talking about chemtrails.
G: Chemtrails beyond consciousness. There’s going to be a conference –
G: Why don’t you show your card – you can show everybody your card.
G: Oh, yeah. Wait and I’ll ask my question – I’m just trying to –
G: Why don’t you save your commercial for – you have to ask your question now.
G: Oh, don’t bother with this right now – right, is that what you’re saying?
A: Well, just wait until we go around one time.
G: Wait until we go around and then do your commercial.
G: Alright, the thing is I want to ask you is about coconut oil – if you take a tbsp. of coconut oil a day with your meat meal and the lube formula – or what do you say? A little coconut oil – I have it bought in from Erewhon – raw coconut oil.
A: Well, it depends on how coconut oil is made – it’s from truly fermentation it’s a good oil.
G: Ferment? It has to say fermented on the jar?
A: That’s the only way coconut oil can be truly cold-pressed – below 96 degrees.
G: When I bought it –
A: I didn’t look, Cathy – I don’t know.
G: It has to say fermentation on it?
A: It should say: Coconut oil from fermentation.
G: And if it doesn’t I have to –
G: They’re not doing that anymore.
A: I know they’re not – yeah.
G: They’ve changed it.
A: It’s centrifugal – spinning – and that gets too hot. Also, also oxidises it.
G: Well, I should return it back?
A: Did you open it?
G: Yeah, I was doing my coconut oil pulling, but Max has the coconut oil in his job.
A: I don’t know – I didn’t look at his to tell you.
G: If it doesn’t say ferment you can’t use any of his coconut oil?
A: No, you can use it for pulling.
G: For pulling is ok – after you’ve swallowed some of it.
A: Well, you’re not supposed to swallow any of it.
G: By accident you swallow it.
A: No, by accident you’re not supposed to have an accident.
G: Naughty, naughty.
G: What is pulling?
A: Pulling is swishing oil or some liquid –
G: I do it every night before I got to sleep.
A: Good. Is swishing some kind of fluid around in your mouth and allowing the chemicals that come from your brain that dump out your gums to dump in at one time and then you expectorate it.
G: So, what happens if you can’t get the – where can I find fermented coconut oil from?
A: Well, use olive oil if you don’t like that – use coconut cream.
A: Coconut cream – it’s cheaper.
G: Yeah, the coconut I ought to do for the swishing in the mouth.
A: Yeah, but you can also do coconut cream for swishing in your mouth.
G: But you said coconut oil at one time was better than using coconut cream with red apples?
A: Well, that’s what I believed at that time, but it came out not so; in my laboratory tests it didn’t show that it was any better.
G: So, I don’t need the coconut oil – I just use – swish with coconut cream –
A: Coconut cream – yep.
G: And return it back.
A: Yep.
G: What should I do with the remainder? I have a whole remainder –
A: What did we just say? You swish it.
G: Ok, until I finish it.
A: Pull – yeah.
G: So I finish it and I can return the other one.
A: You can always eat – you know an oil is always 90% detoxifying, so I suggest people have no more than a tbsp. of oil if it’s cold-pressed – stone-pressed, like stone-pressed olive oil – one tbsp. a day. If you’re going to have sauce with it – like a mayonnaise made with the olive oil and you’re going to have a lot of mayonnaise at one meal – then don’t have any for three or four days, but keep it to a minimum because it will cause heavy detoxification.
G: Have it with your meat – the olive oil?
A: Yeah, you can have it with anything – it doesn’t have to be a meat meal. I prefer oil not being with a meat meal, because I don’t want turning my meat meal into a detoxifier – that’s what my fruit meal is for.
G: So, what do I use the olive oil – by itself and during the day – just take a tbsp.?
A: Well, you can take it with your fruit meal – at the same time as your fruit meal.
G: An olive oil with raspberries?
A: Take your tbsp. of olive oil and eat your fruit meal.
G: Swish it around your mouth?
A: You can swish it if you want and spit out, or you can swallow a tbsp. of coconut oil or olive oil and then eat your fruit meal. Ok?
A: Do you have a question?
G: Yeah, I heard H. pylori –
G: H what?
G: H. pylori is a bacteria virus.
A: It’s a bacteria – H. pylori is a stomach bacteria and that is not a bad guy – that’s part of digestion. Some of the H. pylori though do clean and eat dead intestinal walls or stomach lining wall – cells. Your cells die all the time – 10% of your body is dying all the time. So, these dead cell walls – stomach cell walls – the pylori eat them. It is just like white blood cells – white blood cells are to eat dead red blood cells so the contamination of dead red blood cells doesn’t build up in the blood stream. The white blood cells are called phagocytes eaters to eat dead red blood cells – that’s what they’re there for. Pylori is there to help eat not only the food that you’re eating, but dead stomach tissue cells. That’s not a bad thing, but the pharmaceutical industry – the medical industry – wants to freak everybody out. “Oh, eat the human cells”. Yeah, but what state are those cells in? – they’re either decomposing or dead or diseased to the point where they’re almost dead; they don’t eat healthy live cells – they’re just janitors.
G: Causing an upset stomach.
A: Let’s say you eat something with poison in it, and you kill a lot of your stomach lining cells – your pylori is going to be very high. Now you’re going to have symptoms from that poisoning – let’s say bloody vomit. The pharmaceutical industry – the medical industry is going to say: “The pylori are very high – they’re the problem”. No, they’re just the janitors. But, they want you to believe that the body is attacking itself – they want to believe that the body is ultra-stupid like they are. And most people believe them. And that’s the saddest part about it – people believe their nonsense.
A: Michael, do you have a question?
G: Yeah, what are the best vegetables that you could juice in general? Like do you just use the ones – cucumber, parsley, carrot – a combination – celery?
A: Well, I like carrot – it sure helped me get out of my autism at 21-years-old and I had it for 19 ½ years. I like the way the body can make a lot of good water-soluble fats – make it into vitamin A, vitamin D – a lot of things that can be made from the water soluble fats in carrots, but it’s still high in carbohydrates, so that can cause Advanced Glycation End-product to make the blood and their neurological fluids very sticky. So, to get away from that. I like to use celery because celery doesn’t have enough carbohydrates to digest celery – so it’s a negative [*See note below this paragraph.]. So, let’s say you’re using maybe 35% carrot and 25% celery – that’s a good balance, right there. And then cucumber. The cucumber replaces the collagen in your skin from all the damage – from hydrogenated vegetable oils and all the toxins in processed food which are supposed to leave through the skin. You wonder why people have bad skin – the older they get usually the thicker the skin gets because poisons accumulate in the skin – damage the collagen. They may scar – all kinds of things – as you get older your skin has to tolerate all the toxins – supposed to tolerate 90% of toxins that leave the body, so your skin will always be left in disarray the older you get. If you’re eating cucumber puree – the pulp in cucumber – you’re going to get a lot of silica with the collagen precursors along with it to help replace skin.
[*I didn’t understand this sentence so I asked someone who was there. Here is the simple explanation I got: “Apparently it takes a certain amount of carbos to digest something. Celery doesn't have enough carbos to properly be digested by itself. So when you add the carbos in carrots you then got enough.”]
G: Sports drink – is that a good combination, with tomatoes?
A: Yeah, that’s a good combination too – yeah.
G: What about coconut cream versus dairy fat? Coconut fat in particular.
A: Coconut cream is very, very detoxifying – coconut cream is anywhere from 80 to 90% detoxifying. Raw cream stabilises the nervous system and the brain and calms and protects the nervous system and brain. It calms the whole body; when the nervous system and brain are calm and not irritated then you’ll be calm and happier. And raw cream does that better than any other fat, even butter. Butter will certainly help, but you can’t make all of the varieties of cholesterol you need to feed the brain and the nervous system from butter – it takes raw cream. Whether it’s cream right from the milk or excess cream.
A: Do you have a question?
G: Yeah, what do you do for problems with your ear if it stings?
A: Ok, that means one ear has more fluid in it that the other. Do you have one that has more ringing or hissing, or sounds like you’re under the sea?
G: Sometimes I have tinnitus, but I haven’t had that for a long time – but, lately it’s just been suffering from – recovering from imbalance and…
A: Well, maybe your nerves are dead and you can’t tell anymore. So, get a sense – whichever way you have a tendency to fall is your weak side.
G: Ok.
A: So, you put the hot water bottle against that ear at night – get that excess fluid out of there.
G: So, it doesn’t matter which side it’s on?
A: Absolutely – to perspire the excess fluids out of one of them and it’s the wrong side then the other one is even going to be more imbalanced and you’re going to have even vertigo from it.
G: So, basically you have to increase the liquid in your ear then?
A: Decrease.
G: Decrease?
A: Yeah – but every day you’re going to increase the liquid, so you may have to use the hot water bottle – alternate on one side to the other each night. If you have it in one particular ear more than the other – maybe two nights in a row on this ear, and one night on this ear – and rotate it that way; it depends upon your particular problem. Usually if you’ll run around the house or do something that causes a little aerobics and you lie back and you just go like this in both ears you can tell which one has more pressure in it – that’s the one to put the hot water bottle against.
G: And then also one other thing: basically all bacteria are good. There’s no such thing as bad bacteria. Is it the same truth with parasites?
A: Well, you have parasites that don’t belong in the human body, but any parasite that belongs in the human body is a good parasite.
G: Yeah – if they’re there, then they’re there for a reason.
A: Correct – yeah. But they are man-made – like Ebola is man-made. What they did was create a chemical like they did with aids that destroys a lot of human tissue – it’s a poison. Then they had a bacteria that accompanies it that eats that degenerative tissue quickly. So, they talk about the flesh eating bacteria – that’s man-made. Leonard Horowitz documented the making of Ebola and how they did it and how they made it to eat up so much of the human body. It eats only so much of the human body that’s been damaged by the chemical that was in that injection.
G: (Inaudible).
A: Well, it depends – the trichinosis parasite is there to digest. A parasite can eat 100 times its weight in 24 hours; bacteria eats 50 times its weight in 24 hours, so parasites can give you a lot more food quicker – they digest your food faster. There are also those parasites that clean – eat dead cells; eat dead human cells. Of course, the pharmaceutical industry says: “Oh, see they’re eating human cells – they attack the body”. Again you have to say: “What cells are they attacking?” If it’s in a petri dish, it’s not a live environment for human cells anyway. So they’ve got it in an unnatural environment and its natural process is going to be to die or decompose and then of course those bacteria are going to feed on those cells. And the pharmaceutical industry says: “See, it’s eating those human cells and those were live cells.”
G: (Inaudible).
A: Yeah, it’s all nonsense – it’s pseudo-science.
G: If they are actually dead they’re basically dead skin cells?
A: Correct – or very diseased cells.
G: Cancer.
A: Pardon?
G: (Inaudible).
A: Yes – absolutely. Otherwise you get diseased and get sicker.
G: Yeah.
A: Like I said many times: All creatures live seven times the times it takes them to finish maturation. So, for humans we should be living until 147-years-old. 147-years-old. We’re not even living half of that on the average – we’re dying in mid-60’s, when half the life should be 75.
G: The Hunza’s live to be 150.
A: Who?
G: The Hunza’s.
A: Some of them – so do some tribes in the Philippines and Georgia, Russia. National Geographic – I think it was between February and June, 1971 – did an article on Georgia Russians that lived – there was one couple that was together for 128 years. Hell, can you imagine being together with somebody 50 years, much less 128 years and still loving each other?
G: No.
A: I mean that takes health – you have to be a healthy individual where you’re not expecting your mate to make you happy and healthy. You know, we have all of our problems in relationships because we throw the responsibility for happiness and wellness off on to somebody else. We say: “You have to make me happy – you’re responsible for making me happy.” And you’re going to have nothing but a bad relationship – period. You have to take the individual responsibility for your happiness and your well-being and share your happiness and well-being. Then it’s easy – like those people in Georgia, Russia.
They interviewed a couple that had been together 132 years, so they were in their mid-to-late 140’s. Then, there was a couple that were together between 92 and 98 years – it’s been so long since I’ve read it. And then another couple that was together about 111 years – and happy together. And they showed one guy out on a horse at 129-years-old; out there on a horse herding the cattle.
G: Do you think we’ll live that long if we stay on the diet?
A: We were raised with too much toxicity. We could probably get to 110-120, I think.
G: Oh, yeah?
A: Yeah – I think so. If nobody kidnaps you and injects you with crap or no bus hits you.
I remember I was at Stanford doing the British American Drama Academy and Richard Dreyfuss was one of our Professors and we were sitting down eating lunch one day and he says: “What if you get hit by a bus?” And I said: “I’ll die healthy.” And he got it – he got it. He never said another thing, but he used to make a lot of fun at me eating that way at lunch time.
G: (Name) comes down to Minneapolis with him all the time.
G: He doesn’t look well.
A: No, he doesn’t eat well.
Ok, Joseph – do you have question?
G: Yeah, this 90 minute bath tub and a standard cast iron bath tub: Can you give any tips on as far as how to take it, or the temperature you’re supposed to start out with, and what temperature you’re trying to keep it at, because I…
A: Well, if I’m doing it in a bath tub what I do is I fill it halfway with scalding water…
G: Halfway?
A: …Halfway with scalding water for 10 minutes. It will heat the whole bath tub. Then I put lukewarm water and bring it up to about 112 degrees. And then I let that sit for about two minutes. Then I put in my ingredients: My milk; my sea salt or Epsom salt – one or the other – and the vinegar and I’ll let that sit in there seven minutes to neutralize the poisons. Then right before I get in I put my two to three tbsp. of coconut cream.
G: What about the milk?
A: I put that in – I put the milk, the sea salt or the Epsom salt and the vinegar in at 110 degrees. Then I get in seven minutes later – which is about 108/107 – and then it takes 20 minutes for it to drop down to about 102 degrees. Then I’ll let two inches of water out –
G: I can go longer – I can go 40 minutes.
A: Really?
G: Yeah.
A: Oh, that’s terrific.
G: And I have a very accurate thermometer – digital thermometer.
A: That’s what I use.
G: It works – it really works. The one’s from your website – hocks.com – it’s got ‘take ice –cream’ readings. And I’ve checked them out against other ones and they’re very accurate.
A: Yes – I agree.
G: They’re off by like maybe a tenth of a degree at the most.
A: Yes.
G: Where do you get it?
G: Hawk’s.
A: From my product list.
So, then I’ll let out two inches and when I get it down to one inch then I’ll run the hot water – just hot water – and I funnel the cold water that’s coming out of the hot water tap down to the drain like this, so the cold water doesn’t just disperse out to the rest of the tub.
G: My hot water heater is right behind like that.
A: Oh, so it heats instantly. So, you can let yours almost down to the end of the two inches.
G: Well, I only let it down about three inches and then I can bring it back up to about once inch.
A: Yeah, but that’s a whole three inches. I only let it out two inches, because you’re going to –
G: But, you’re letting it out two inches?
A: Only two inches – yes, all together – yeah, and then raise it two inches with the hot water. And when I’m putting the hot water in – you know, as soon as I get down to that last inch – then I plug the drain and swish the water around until it gets up to about 108 again, or 110 and then –
G: You can’t stay under the water with all that hot water coming in, can you?
A: No, I’m sitting – I’m moving it – it’s too frigging hot at my feet.
G: Yeah.
A: Yeah.
G: Thank you.
A: You’re welcome.
G: You’re still doing the hot baths now – still?
A: Absolutely.
G: Ok.
A: I’ve not even to my 40 years yet.
G: Ok.
A: I still have lymphatic congestion show up in my irises.
G: Wow.
A: Not a lot, but still in strategic places – especially along my back where they did all that radiation therapy.
G: Uh-huh.
A: Steve, do you a question?
G: Yes, I’ve been on the diet for a while and just recently I’ve been experiencing flu symptoms like itchy eyes, runny nose, that kind of stuff. I’m just wondering if that’s a detox?
A: Yes, like I said you’ll detox for 40 years.
G: Yeah, so you do it in different ways and different –
A: At different times, yes.
G: So, what’s the best thing for that? I’ve tried the eggs, the butter, the honey and making the making banana and orange – that helps sometimes, but not all the time.
A: Well, the itchiness I would put bone marrow on your skin – bone marrow and butter mixture on your skin.
G: So, if you’ve got itchy eyes is that kind of – you wouldn’t want to put bone marrow in the eyes?
A: Yes, you can – I put bone marrow in my eyes and butter in my eyes if they get itchy. Sometimes I get little crystals all inside the eyelashes because they’re draining.
G: Do you do that at night so it doesn’t matter that you can’t see properly from the butter?
A: Yeah, well the butter in the eyes I put in a night – absolutely. I can put egg white any time in the day – it takes about three to four minutes to clear the eye ball from that and absorbs the nutrients.
G: What if you wear contact lenses – for putting in egg whites?
A: Well, put the egg white in your eyes before you put the contacts in, in the morning and then put the butter at night when you take the contacts out.
G: So, anything else for just the runny noses, the sneezing, the nausea – all that kind of stuff?
A: That’s because the poisons are dumping out the sinuses from the brain.
G: I do the neti pots sometimes – that helps a little bit, but –
A: Yeah. Milkshakes are the best thing to do to build mucous – you need the mucus there to grab the poisons that comes out, so it doesn’t damage your mucous membranes. A lot of people don’t build enough mucous as it passes through the mucous membranes and it stays on the mucous membrane walls – it eats away at them.
G: So, what would probably be the best time to eat milkshakes?
A: Anytime.
G: Anytime?
A: Yeah, anytime – but of course a cup at night time would be good: A half-cup before you go to sleep and half-cup during the night would be a good thing to do.
G: Does the egg white help with the blood (Inaudible)?
A: Yes, it does.
A: Do you have a question, Michael?
G: It’s dealing with shaving. And I think the last one you mentioned – I’ve tried them all – the cream and milk. And I found that the cream – I’ve tried that and it doesn’t work.
A: No kidding.
G: Yeah, I’ve gone back to an electric razor because I end up cutting myself, so I’m doing better I guess –
A: Well, I hope you’re not shaving more than three minutes because the EMF field is pretty strong. Does it take you more than three minutes to shave?
G: No.
A: Then, that’s fine – just put some milk on after.
G: Do you do a hot bath – can you do a hot bath, so your skin is so soft it that it goes through just like butter?
A: Well, see, when I shave I used to use coconut cream because I never cut myself, but the coconut cream would harden – especially when I’m in Asia and there’s no hot water – they don’t use hot water, because it’s hot all the time. And you can’t rinse that coconut cream with whiskers out of the blade – it sticks in there. So, I went to milk and then I can rinse out with cold water and the milk was just as smooth as the coconut cream for me, but I just don’t put it on and immediately shave – I put it on, I go do something for five or seven minutes. Then put more on, and then shave to soften the beard a bit.
G: Have you stopped using egg white for shaving?
A: Yeah, I stopped using egg – probably six years ago. Then I went to coconut cream, and now I’m on milk.
G: Do you put it on before you shave and then after?
A: Yeah, I put it on after too. Yeah.
G: Is it cold – the milk?
A: No, it’s room temperature.
G: That helps? You know what would be useful to help with that? Does it work very well?
A: It works wonderfully.
G: Really?
G: Yeah?
A: Yeah. And I can rinse it out so easily.
G: So, it softens the whiskers?
A: If you leave it on for five to seven minutes. Do you leave it on your skin or do you immediately lead to shaving?
G: No, I would immediately shave.
A: Oh, ok, there’s your problem.
G: And it was cold.
A: That would do me too – I would cut myself to pieces. I did it one time and I just cut this side of my face and this side of my face – I just had scrapes galore.
A: Do you have a question?
G: How’s the caffeine coming into the picture? I mean –
A: It’s a nerve irritant.
G: Yep.
A: It’s a way to get bad energy if you don’t have energy any other way, but if you’re eating enough proper fats you’re going to have the energy.
G: I know I stopped having the caffeine headaches since I’ve been having the cravings for steak for my dinner (Inaudible) and giving up on caffeine which is, you know, half the –
A: Uh-huh. Well, I suggest a vegetable juice to get the body going in the morning – full of enzymes and vitamins.
G: Right.
A: Rather than coffee or tea – caffeine in it.
G: Does it jack your adrenals up? Is that what it does?
G: Well, I was just thinking that’s what the caffeine does – affects the blood pressure –
A: Well, it attacks the nerves everywhere.
G: Everywhere. Doesn’t your blood pressure and heart rate go up to 35mg (Inaudible).
A: Yeah, it can – it depends upon the person.
G: The person.
A: If they’re thin it’s going to raise a lot of things. If they’re fat it’s not going to do that much damage.
G: So, when you say it’s a nerve irritant – it’s raising the fat?
A: Well, the body tries to get rid of any toxins; when the body tries to get rid of toxins it usually creates fatty substances which are usually hormones, so the body will use a lot adrenalin. Adrenalin, like other hormones, are 60-80% fat. Fat – the body uses to harness the toxins. So, the body will use whatever it can to defend itself from industrial onslaught. So, hormones is a way to do it. Adrenaline is a quick one to make – one of the quickest – thyroxines and adrenal. So, it will overwork and excite the adrenals if you keep eating coffee because the body will keep pumping out the hormones to try to neutralize the caffeine that irritates the nerves – it damages the nerves. And that way it can exhaust your thyroid gland; it can exhaust your adrenal glands – it can do a lot of damage.
G: One more thing is the appendix – because I had my appendix removed when I was small.
A: Yeah.
G: Pretty much. What’s your theory on what that actually does?
A: Well, the appendix is a library – it remembers everything that’s ever entered the body – what to do about it. So, if you’re missing it your body has to take anywhere from 24 to 36 hours – sometimes even longer – to re-analyze that substance to know what to do about it.
So, say you get a bee sting: Once you get a bee sting the what-to-do-about-it is already registered in the appendix and the next time you get a bee sting the body is not going to have to analyse and decide what to do about it – it’ll happen within 5-20 minutes – your body’s already reacting. Without an appendix it can take 36/42 hours before it’ll start doing what it needs to do to take care of itself.
G: Maybe your body’s changing all the time as it gets older so every time you get stung it’s something different going on.
A: Could be – yeah.
Now, with me – I had my appendix removed at 15 ½, within days after my third polio vaccine. It gave me diabetes and angina pectoris. And I had my appendix out when I was 12 ½ after my first polio vaccine. And in that one they misdiagnosed it as an appendicitis and took out the appendix, so I had no appendix. However, my body has developed: either it has regrown my appendix – which I don’t know if it has – or I’ve developed another way for that library memory. Because last year, right after the house in Thailand was built, I had my down pillows and sheets in a box. And I took it out of the box – it had been sitting outside around the jungle waiting for the house to be finished, so I can have a bed and my pillows – and it was time – so I had the bed I was pulling out the pillows and I grabbed one like this and I felt a sting on my arm. And I pulled the pillow away and there was this tiny scorpion – this big. And the baby scorpions – the tiny scorpions – are the deadly ones because as the scorpion gets older it dilutes the venom, but the babies have a pure solid venom that’s not diluted. So, the heaviness went down the arm – you know, it got a rash and inflamed a bit – and all the way down – I could feel it moving all the way down to here. And it was about, probably 40 hours – 36 to 40 hours – I experienced that and then it went away. Then five days later I put some gloves on to work and one stung me here – again a little bitty one. And that lasted about an hour. Then three days later I got stung again. So, now I shake my shirts out; and I shake socks out; I don’t get into the bed unless I’ve checked for scorpions first. But, that one didn’t last 10 minutes – the last one – so my body has found another way, or it grew another appendix – I don’t know.
G: Are you building up a resistance to it?
A: Well, no, your body has some way – some area – to know what to do – to what compounds to make to defend itself against the venom.
A: Ok, Lewis?
G: Yeah, so preparing high meat: So, when I want to start a batch what percentage of air should be in the jar verses actual meat when you’re putting it away to get old?
A: Well, it depends on when you want it to become goodbye meat.
G: Goodbye meat?
A: He’s the comedian. It should be 50-50: 50 air and 50 meat.
G: 50 air and 50 meat.
A: Yeah, I see. And then start airing it out after the first month.
A: Right. And if you mince it it’s going to react faster; it’s just harder to get air into minced meat unless you fluff it up a little bit.
G: Uh-huh. That’s basically it – yeah. How important is it to have high meat?
A: Well, just remember – it feeds the brain and the nervous system.
G: Hmm-mmm.
A: If you have any neurological problems then you should be having it frequently.
G: Ok. Well, we don’t know that yet.
A: Do you have buttons – you have easy buttons to press?
G: That’s why I thought the high meat would be a good one.
A: Yes.
G: Do you have to wait an hour? Let’s say you have high meat at 5 o’clock – do you wait an hour for your regular meat?
A: No, you can eat it 10 minutes later.
G: 10 minutes later your regular meat meal, with the lube formula – the lemon and everything in it?
A: Yep.
G: So, all it takes is 10 minutes?
A: Yep. But you know if you have the lube formula it might be better to wait 10 minutes after you’ve finished your meat meal because the lemon might neutralize some of that and prevent it from absorption the same way.
G: You sure it’s 10 minutes now?
A: If you’re having meat with butter.
If you’re having the lube formula you might want to wait to have the lube formula after you’ve finished the meat meal.
G: 10 minutes after? And then you can have – 35 minutes after that – you can have the cheese and the honey?
A: Yeah. Well, what I’ve done – I’ve changed that a little bit: 25 minutes after you’ve finished the meat have a little sugar-cubed size amount of cheese; 10 minutes after that you have your cheese and honey. Because I don’t want any poisons getting into the honey and cheese.
G: That’s only if you have high meat?
A: No, no, no – that’s any time after a meat meal.
G: You wait 10 minutes after you have a meat meal?
A: After you have that little sugar-cube – you wait 25 minutes after you finished the meat meal - you have a little sugar-cube amount of cheese, and then 10 minutes after that you have your cheese and honey together for your mineralization.
I just want to be sure that you don’t get any poisons from the stomach lining or the intestinal walls into the cheese that’s going to digest and get your mineral supplement when you eat it with the honey. Just like I have you eating cheese 10 minutes before everything – absorb the poisons. So, when you eat your meal – whether it’s fruit or meat, or milkshake, or whatever – the poisons are not going to get into your food that’s going to be digested.
G: So, if you have the fruit meal – it’s the same thing again: 10 minutes before the fruit, have the cheese?
A: You have the piece of cheese – yeah.
G: 10 minutes after you’ve eaten your fruit meal you have another half tsp.
A: No, no, no.
G: Oh, that’s only for the meat meal?
A: Only for the meat meal – you have cheese and honey together.
G: I’m talking about a sugar-cubed size piece after the fruit meal.
A: No, you eat it before all the foods.
G: A tsp. – that’s what I have.
A: Ok?
A: What time is it?
G: It’s 4:03.
A: Oh, we’ve got time. Did you come up with questions yet?
G: What did you suggest that – something about when you were talking about the appendix?
A: Uh-huh.
G: It’s sort of off like that, but you talked about bee stings and animal stings. What about poison oak?
G: What did you say?
G: Poison oak – poison ivy. Why do I get that and other people don’t? Like I don’t get and then poison oak and I’ll say: “Oh, got it – I got poisoned.”
A: Well, if you have low vitamin D in your skin you’re going to have problems with those oils. See these oils in the ivy’s are very, very caustic and they’re almost like kerosene or gasoline and they will eat into the cell and rupture and burn the cells. That’s what causes the blistering – it actually burns the cells. So, that’s what happens when that oil gets on you. It doesn’t spread – the body will dissolve the oil and move it, so it doesn’t burn in just one spot – it’ll keep moving it until it’s got rid of all the ivy oil. You can minimize that by putting something on there that will break it down – like take pineapple, or lemon juice, or lime juice and put it on there and break that oil down. Of course, a lot of that is going to be absorbed into the skin – it’s going to be burning the skin – but, at least you can take off any surface area to keep it from spreading. And then, like I say to heal the skin, use urine – old urine is better. The ammonia will arrest any oils that are imbedded in the skin – in the cells. And the nutrients that are in blood – which are the same as in urine – urine is nothing other than blood without red and white blood cells and some extra ammonia that the kidney has developed to prevent red and white blood cells from entering the kidney and being pissed out of the body and you being anaemic every-time you urinate. So, urine – if you’re on a good healthy diet is not toxic – it’s a nutrient dense liquid – fluid. Astronauts drink their own urine up there – they just filter it. India – the vegans – drink a lot of their urine to recycle the proteins and B12. So applying that to the skin that’s been damaged from one of those ivy oils helps the skin quickly. The ammonia helps stop and neutralize the caustic oils form the ivy.
G: (Inaudible).
A: Yeah, if you don’t get it your skin is fine – it’s protected – well protected.
G: Does vitamin E block it from getting into your skin?
A: Yeah, it doesn’t penetrate.
G: Uh-huh.
G: I have a question Aajonus: I want to talk about dairy in general. Like I had a test done – like an allergy test – so, I’m a little allergIC to casein. How does that work for the dairy?
A: You’re allergic to what?
G: Casein.
G: Casein – he’s allergIC to casein.
A: Oh, casein – the protein casein. You’re not allergic to raw casein. Whenever you have those tests done they use a protein that’s been processed with kerosene or gasoline – hexane. So, you’re allergic to that, that they made. If you have raw dairy you won’t be allergic to the casein.
G: Got you. Thank you very much.
A: Yes?
G: Do you have any remedies for a minor tear in the meniscus?
A: Well, any time you have a tear anywhere it’s subcutaneous – so apply anything that will help get fat into the area – deep into the tissue. So, putting butter or bone marrow on the area, and then applying meat on top of that, and then a damp cloth – a cotton cloth or silk cloth – on top of the meat to keep it from drying and then a piece of plastic over that. And then wrap that with an ace bandage – keep it on not too tightly. And then you take a hot water bottle, you put it in just a regular cotton pillow case – then you may put it in two of them if you have your hot water bottle up to 142 degrees – that’s pretty hot – it will burn the skin. Or, if you use a flannel pillow case it only takes one and you put it inside and wrap it around. Then you put that on your meniscus and then wrap a towel around both the hot water bottle and your leg or ankle or foot and that tends to put heat into that area while you sleep. And if you wrap the hot water bottle in a pillow case – especially a flannel – it will keep it hot two to three hours longer. So, you can go seven to eight hours without cooling. So, you can have the benefit of the hot water bottle in that area for that many hours. If you don’t, the hot water bottle will broadcast its heat throughout the entire bed under the covers and of course that will lessen the heat sooner in time – like maybe two or three hours. Maybe for three and a half hours it will be hot and work – but, if you wrap it in a flannel pillow case it will be warm for six to seven hours.
G: And how many days?
A: Every day. It usually takes about 10 weeks for a meniscus to mend properly on a good diet.
G: What if somebody is in a lot of pain with the meniscus?
A: Same thing.
G: Same thing?
A: The heat will take care of it, yeah. And, you know – eating plenty of cheese and butter, a lube formula – a moisturizing lube formula – will help a lot.
A: Yes?
G: Can you tell us your opinion on gluten?
A: Gluten – gluten is – we’re not made to digest gluten – we don’t have any enzymes to process gluten completely. We have adapted over the last 10,000 years of eating grains to break down some gluten, but not thoroughly – only about 60%. And that leaves waste products – toxins – that get into the glycogen phase of utilization of sugars for brain and nervous system. So, that turns into a glycogen that is even more sticky and even drying – dehydrating to the cells. So, gluten’s not a good thing. We are meat eaters; we are animal cell eaters.
Were you here when I talked about the digestive tract? I think that was right before you came, wasn’t it?
G: Actually I heard about the bacteria.
A: Yeah, all of that – ok – yeah. And if you take – like I did in autopsies – I put the hydrochloric acid from the stomachs of 32 cadavers and I put it on different foods to see what it would break down – it did not but barely etch vegetables and fruit. When I put the hydrochloric acid on meat it went right into it. Put it on nuts, it barely etched. Softer nuts it helped a little bit, but not a lot. Only on dairy products and meat and eggs did it react almost completely and thoroughly. It’s the same with the human bile from the liver and gallbladder. I put that on different fats: vegetable oils, coconut cream, butter, dairy cream – it all worked almost 100% on those – on the animal products – on the animal cells, but hardly worked at all on vegetation – vegetable fat. We maybe get 2% of vegetables and that’s mainly juice. So, juice your vegetables.
Sorry, I’m getting a little hot on my forehead.
G: What about exercising? I do an exercise dance class and yoga now.
A: That’s great – you do any exercise you need. You have a tendency towards anxiety. Anybody that has a tendency towards anxiety needs to exercise.
G: Yeah – that’s what I have to do.
A: And if you’re like me, you don’t build on the hormones. You can just sit at a computer all day, not do a thing. My exercising is this. I watch Carrie Graham.
G: Yeah, Carrie Graham.
G: Are we finished? I want to make an announcement. Can I make an announcement?
A: What time is it?
G: Are we still going to do the questions?
G: A quarter to 12.
A: Well, we still have 15 minutes.
G: What do you think about nightshades?
A: Well, tomatoes are the only good nightshade that I will eat. All the other nightshades are roots which are very complicated in digestion.
G: Complicated? Like red peppers or orange peppers – you can’t eat?
A: Yeah, I’ll eat those to an extent, but they can cause nerve damage or nerve detoxification – too quick nerve detoxification. Hot peppers are not the same. The bell peppers can cause tooth detoxification and create a lot of tooth pain from it. So, that is just a flavor. You know like a sauce or something – not to eat a lot of it.
G: What about lemon juice in mineral water and that kind of thing – is there any issue with that?
A: Well, water is a problem – water is a solvent.
G: Right, ok. But, I guess I’m leaning towards more drinking the lemon juice. Is that a negative for the teeth, or –
A: It can be. Swish your mouth with some milk after you’ve eaten anything with lemon to make sure there’s no lemons stuck in –
G: But if I wanted to make lemonade – if I want to take fresh lemons let’s say and put some raw honey in it and just drink it. Is that ok?
A: Not a good thing to have very often. You can put cream in it – maybe eat some cheese before you drink it - so you don’t demineralize. Because lemonade with the honey and the lemon will cause de-mineralization in the system. If you eat cheese before you eat and a little dairy cream in your lemonade, it’s ok. It’s still going to do more taking-apart in your body than rebuilding – it’s going to dry your skin out; it’s going to dry your insides more.
G: Joe made a comment about what you’re drinking while you’re taking the baths and I know you said use the sports drink, but sometimes I’ll just take room temperature milk and I’ll sip some of that while I’m taking the bath and he suggested that you told him once to put cold water in with the milk. Is that accurate?
A: No, I said mineral water in with the milkshake if you want to thin it a little bit. Maybe some people like me have said maybe thin the milkshake by a third with water. Sometimes when you’re eating just milk in the hot bath or a hot tub, all the minerals will cake around the mouth and around your tongue because the body’s using all those minerals to bind with the toxins that are coming out of the brain. And sometimes the body doesn’t have enough water to help dissolve it – it causes too much drying.
If I were to have that done, I’d have a little bit of the honey at the hot tub with me and I would put honey on my lips. I wouldn’t dilute with water. I would have the sport formula and I would have milk in the hot bath.
G: And when you have the milk do you do have it at the side?
A: I have it at the side.
G: So I can do either one? Have either the sports drink for a while then later have the milk after words?
A: Yeah.
G: Hell, I’ll mix both of them – have one and take a sip of the other.
G: How about coconut water?
A: Cathy, when I’m speaking please don’t interrupt because people can’t hear what I’m saying.
G: Oh, my god.
A: Ok. So, I’ll sip that until I take a swig of the sport drink and then milk – or take a swig of the milk and then sport drink, right on top of each other.
G: I have the milk after I’ve had the hot bath.
A: Well, I drink milk when I’m in the hot tub – I want all those minerals in my system. I drink both.
G: So, how much of this – just like a quart of milk?
A: If you’re in 90 minutes – absolutely – you can drink a quart of milk. I never drink that much – I drink probably ½ cup before I get in; cup while I’m – maybe a cup and a half – and then ½ cup when I get out. Usually two, two and half cups.
G: Aajonus, I want to get these two teeth done because this plastic flipper is really driving me crazy right now. It’s been probably a year and half, two years for this thing. So, porcelain – I can get porcelain with gold. How do they do that, because it’s going to be –
A: Well, it’s going to be a plastic flapper.
G: That’s what I have now – a plastic flapper – but I want to have the teeth in there and that means he’s going to have to mess with these two teeth.
A: Well, I have mine porcelain.
G: You have porcelain?
A: Yeah. Not this one. Yeah, this tooth right here – you see how it’s gone crooked? That’s the way it was when I was a child before I had braces, but when I was chewing on a chicken bone – about four months ago – the tooth went just crooked – just like it was – in an instant – because it was in solid bone – it doesn’t move – yet the whole bone and everything shifted with it.
G: Oh my god.
A: It was the weirdest thing – it was like the twilight zone.
G: Jeez.
A: And it just went crooked – just like that. And it’s solid in there.
G: Oh, wow.
A: But, this one’s porcelain.
G: Porcelain. So, there’s no metal for dentures in the back, no – it’s just porcelain? Do you think that’s all I need for the front?
A: Yeah.
G: Because it’s four teeth altogether.
A: 14 what?
G: It’s four teeth. Because the two are total fake and then they pared down these two bad ones for support, unfortunately.
A: But that’s to make a bridge.
G: To make like a bridge thing.
A: No, that’s a flapper.
G: What I have now?
A: Yeah, right.
G: But, it causes a lisp.
A: That’s what mines does too.
G: It’s really a pain in the ass.
A: But you hear your lisp more than I do.
G: Yeah.
A: I hear my lisp more than other people.
G: That’s all by a flapper, did you say?
A: It flaps in and out – that’s why they call it a flapper.
G: But if I’m eating something in particular the whole thing will come out – very easily.
A: If you get underneath it.
G: Oh, well, yeah – that happens very easily.
A: All the time.
G: Yeah.
A: Yeah, when I’m at home I just take mine out and eat. Yeah, it takes me twice as long to eat.
G: Well, that’s what I try to do too because it gets irritating eating all the time with this in. You just do it because if you’re around everybody else, you don’t want to go like: “Oh yeah, hide.”
A: Well, if you have those other teeth ground down you’ve taken those teeth and damaged those teeth, so they’re not going to last as long – probably half their life. Because once you’ve ground down to the point where you can cement a whole bridge of teeth, you’ve damaged them all the way down to the tubules which are soft. You put the epoxy of the tubules and that leaks all the way into the nerves and those teeth will die much sooner.
G: Oh, wow.
A: It’s not a good idea. It’s easier to deal with the inconvenience of having a flapper. You have to decide.
G: Can you drink coconut water in the bath tub?
A: Yeah – you can sip on it, but again water’s water.
G: If you have coconut water what are you going to do with it? What else do you with it?
A: Mix it with milk, and cream and cheese – something to re-mineralize. Water is just a negative substance – even if it’s coconut water.
G: Do you know of some physicians in this area that are sympathetic to mirror what you’re teaching?
A: Not really. The closest is Dr. Privitera [now deceased] out near San Fernando, but he’s into all these supplements. He doesn’t really think that’s there that much kerosene and gasoline in supplements. And he recommends a lot of supplements.
G: Yeah.
A: Yet there’s a lot of kerosene or hexane gasoline in supplements. Would you soak your food for 22 hours in gasoline or kerosene, rinse it for two minutes and eat it?
G: Hope not.
A: That’s what all supplements are made of.
G: Kerosene?
A: Kerosene or gasoline.
G: Because they say there’s always never enough in our food.
G: It’s a big money earner for them.
A: Oh, it’s huge – same as medication. Everybody wants a magic bullet and people believe in magic bullets and there’s no proof of it anywhere. The thing that happens when people take supplements: they get toxic kerosene or gasoline in their system; it raises their adrenaline level because their adrenals will make the hormones to deal with the toxins as fat and it raises their energy system. They’re blaming it on the benefits of supplements instead of the toxicity of supplements that’s happening as an adrenaline reaction. If they’re on it long enough of course they get adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia – all kinds of cumulative problems from gasoline and kerosene collecting in their body.
G: There was a guy name Maynard who was a health advocate with the wild buffalo plant – he said that he took too many supplements.
A: That’s what he did. I talked to his surgeon then and the doctor wanted to go in and remove the whole jaw. He had a tumor this big on his face and I went to his surgeon – the Surgeon wanted to remove the jaw bone, all of the skin – everything. And I said: “Wait a minute – it’s part of the lymph gland system, so if you just take out the tumor – leave the skin – leave the bone – the body will be there.” You don’t remove the lymph glands because they wanted to take out the lymph glands too. So, the lymph glands will clean the body – why would you want to do that? “Just remove the friggin’ tumor – scrape it off the skin – there’s going to be excess skin of course – cut some skin away – and then sow it back together.”
So, I had him retain the tumor and then had it analyzed – it cost almost $10K to have it analyzed for everything I wanted it analyzed for – and everything was minerals and vitamin supplement stored in that tumor.
G: Oh, wow.
A: Concentrations.
A: And then he got another tumor because he took supplements for 60 years.
G: Aajonus, what do they use the gasoline for in some of these supplements?
A: Ok, you have to take a substance to dissolve it to extract something from it. Let’s say they’re taking vitamin E from corn or soy bean. They use the kerosene or gasoline to dissolve it – to make it a liquid. Then they extract the substances out of it. So, it’s at least 22 hours soaking – sometimes it’s five/six days. So, it’s lots of kerosene and gasoline – or gasoline.
G: Wow.
A: And they only rinse it for two minutes.
G: Wow.
A: It goes through a sprayer – rinses it off for 2 minutes.
G: Do they use that ingredient because it’s the fastest way that they…?
A: It’s the only way you can get anything to dissolve.
G: Oh, you can’t get anything to dissolve. Oh, wow.
A: No other solvent. You put it in water it’s going to take a year.
G: Oh, wow.
A: And then you have bacteria that grows and fungus and everything else. They need something that’s not going to get a fungus or a bacteria and dissolves it and makes a mush – quickly. Kerosene or gasoline are the only two. Kerosene is natural. So, that’s what’s in your natural supplement.
G: Oh, god.
A: If it’s not natural, it’s gasoline – hexane.
G: Wow.
A: There’s no other way to do it.
G: Wow.
A: That one big vitamin company – what are they called?
G: Mega Food?
A: No.
G: One a Day?
A: No, they’re an alternative.
G: Herbalife?
A: Pardon?
G: Herbalife?
A: No – they’re mainly global.
A: Pardon?
G: Raw Line? Raw?
A: No, it’s a huge company. I can’t remember the name of it. They called me and their Attorneys called me and said: “Two of our top sales people were at your workshop in Chicago and you said that all natural supplements use kerosene. That is a lie; we do not use that and you need to put an add retracting that statement in the New York Times, LA Times, Chicago Tribune and all the major newspapers like Toronto wherever (you) give (your) lectures.”
And I said: “You want me to do that based on what evidence? He said: “Well, ours in all natural; we don’t use any kerosene in ours.” I said: “Did you know that kerosene is natural and that’s the solvent they use? Go check with your laboratory. If your laboratory proves to me that they use something other than kerosene to make your supplements I’ll borrow $500K and put those ads in.” I don’t make $500k in over four years – it would take me four years to make 500k. They never called me back.
G: Yeah.
A: I had a head lab technician who runs a laboratory on the diet and those are the only options they have – hexane and kerosene derivatives – that’s it. Gasoline and kerosene – only two.
G: I think we’re at four-thirty.
G: Yes, just about – yeah.
A: Almost. Anybody else have a question?
G: I got one.
A: Yes?
G: Are you still planning on doing an anatomy and physiology book when you get time?
A: Only if I have a health spa where I have students. I’ll have three students that will be doing my iridology, two students doing the hands and palm readings that I do and I’ll have about five students doing an anatomy course. They have to write those books – that will be their Doctorates.
G: Ok.
A: I need to suck an egg – I’ve lost that word.
G: Well, it’s about that time.
A: Yes, it is.
G: When is your next book going to be? Remember you were going to do a Q & A book and are you still doing that?
A: Well, since I’ve been doing the newsletters everything that I’ve put in that book is in the newsletter.
G: Oh, ok.
A: The next newsletters are going to be where I take the digestive tract like I talked about here today – that’s going to be one whole newsletter. Then I’m going to talk about the glands and each gland and what it relates to – how the glands work – that’ll be another newsletter. So everybody has it there and they don’t have to listen to the DVD every time.