Q&A Of January 27, 2013


Q: Mercury is causing aching in my right shoulder, from injections.

A: To remove one molecule of mercury, it takes about 50-200 fat cells. The mercury molecule is not as small as salt but is still a very, very tiny molecule. And in each vaccine back in those days had 76 quadrillion molecules of mercury. Multiply that 50-200 times and you can eat and digest about ten million molecules in a day. So you’ve got a lifetime of getting rid of mercury in vaccines depending on the number of shots you got. But you not only have to deal with mercury in those vaccines – you have liquid aluminum, formaldehyde, ether, and detergent. That’s another 500-600 times the toxic molecules of mercury.

Q: Why do they put that in there?

A: Here’s my theory: When I studied at the Sorbonne Institute in Paris, I found that every animal that Pasteur injected died. When they started adding formaldehyde - that’s the first thing they added when Rockefeller got involved in it – and other toxins, it put the mercury on the back burner and there were fewer deaths – just a lot of side effects. They realized putting a lot of different kinds of toxins in it would stop most reactions from being visible and observable. So now they put up to 63 toxins in a vaccine. The latest terrible assault is squalene in flu shots. It causes massive death, kidney failure, with all kinds of complications in laboratory animals. You have to understand that they’re using maybe 60,000 molecules of virus in a vaccine so your body uses all kinds of bacteria and hydrochloric acid to neutralize that toxic solvent waste. Viruses are not alive; that’s a fiction. Forty years ago no MD ever gave an antibiotic for a virus because there was no life form. All you see are dissolved cells in some kind of solvent solution. But the cell makes the solvent solution. When the cells and tissue are so toxic that bacteria, parasites and fungus can’t eat it, then the cells have to make a solvent to dissolve that waste. It can’t be recycled. So, the cells make a sort of muriatic acid to dissolve that dead tissue that can’t be recycled by bacteria, parasites or fungus. So viruses aren’t alive to begin with. Let’s say you have 60,000 to 100,000 molecules of so-called virus-related solution in a vaccine. That will fit on the head of a pinprick. So the idea that a virus is going to take over the body is an absurdity anyway and the idea of creating immunity is a farce. There’s no science to prove it – just theory. And, of course they can’t prove it. That’s why there’s no science behind it. All these animations you’re seeing of viruses – balls with tentacles – are not real. I had a sci-fi book when I was a kid that showed comical creatures from another planet – and they’re using that same image from the book, the same balls with tentacles. Under the microscope, viruses look very different. So, what they do with the vaccines – they are the most toxic things creating more disease (70%) than any other element on the planet unless you are directly exposed to mercury in a laboratory, or are exposed in a nuclear plant.

Q: Antibiotics, too?

A: Some will put mercury in. Not all.

Q: I read that in the military, after they developed antibiotics, they had better survival after getting wounded.

A: That’s propaganda. Look at the Spanish influenza pandemic that they say killed 50M people in 1918. That was Rockefeller’s first flu shot. Only the people that got the flu shot died. Only people that got the flu shot got flu related symptoms. Everybody gets the flu now because we’re all so contaminated with chemical food and these vaccines. Before it used to be colds which are primarily bacteria that go in and eat the dead tissue, recycling what they can and [unclear]. Parasites can do the same thing quicker with fewer symptoms than bacteria. Everybody is not getting colds any more. You can tell a cold because you get yellow mucous. When it’s clear or whitish, it’s a virus. If it’s green, it’s mostly fungus. So almost everybody has viral detoxifications [rather than] bacterial, parasitic or fungal.

Q: I wake up with my hand hot, swollen and tingling.

A: Those are three different symptoms. Heat means your body is trying to perspire and remove toxins that are moving in the night. Swelling is always an indication of more blood and lymphatic fluid getting into a toxic area that the body is trying to clean. Swelling is good; do not disturb swelling. If you disturb swelling with ice or cold packs, you restrict the amount of blood and lymphatic fluid into the area so you reduce the nutrients going into the area so you will scar. That’s why all those athletes that put ice packs on injuries end up with heavy scarring and surgery to have the scar tissue scraped. You have pain, because you have an injury and it needs to be dealt with – not numbed so the athlete can be sent back out… not sent out on the field again, unless you can wrap the injured body part so it doesn’t move and cause more injury. So, swelling is important for detoxification and healing. Tingling means some kind of toxin – usually some metallic toxin like mercury, cadmium or lead – is moving through the nerves in the hand. It can also be caused if you sleep on the hand and restrict circulation into the nerves. However, if you are not sleeping on the hand, it means you are moving metals through the nerves in that area causing bursts of electromagnetic energy – bursts of sensation. You may have a block with the metal and the body is sending higher electromagnetic impulses to get it to move. The way you can help resolve that is to put a hot water bottle wherever that tingling spot/swelling is to help your body perspire so it doesn’t have to go into its own fever and it will also allow a breakdown of any toxins – let’s say – that are in the lymphatic or neurological systems where everybody has margarine and all kinds of hydrogenated oils. Almost all cereals, donuts, chips, and fries are boiled in trans-fatty acids, hydrogenated oils – that is, plastic oils. The human body doesn’t handle plastic well. So those molecules will dehydrate, harden and clump. So you have clusters of plastic that cannot be dissolved at body temperature so you have to get up to 105-110 degrees to melt and perspire it out of the body. Another way to handle that is to tickle the area of the body where you’re tingling and you’ll generate more electrical impulses so that the brain doesn’t have to send them down in bolts. Tickling releases electromagnetic energy.

Q: Dry brushing similar effect?

A: No, too rough - tears. Dry brushing is the worst thing you can do. It actually tears. Like taking a scab and ripping it off. Using an electronic microscope, I looked at many arms, palms and hands using a scrub brush. You know how you have a bicycle accident and you have an abrasion? I found abrasions and minute scabs -invisible to the naked eye - on the top layer of skin under the dead skin layers. I found this on every person – even tough, macho guys. So a brush is not a good thing. It’s better to soak the body getting those cells very damp so they’re not adhering to the new skin underneath and rub gently with a silk or cotton cloth. They’ll come off very easily.

Q: Would that apply to itching?

A: Not necessarily because some itching is dead cells with high contaminants. An example: I put some high water towers in at my place in the Philippines and when I was going up into the jungle I hit a patch of rattan. They’ve got these fine thorns half the size of a needle and I got about five or six of them back here and in my fingers. I cut most of them out but you can see my body is still breaking them down… painful and they were bleeding for quite a while. It itches and I’ll gently scratch only dead skin off - not new skin. If you have toxicity moving out of that area every 20 minutes so that it itches, just keep gently rubbing or scratching to stimulate more circulation in that area. When you scratch hard, you’re breaking capillaries and all sorts of other things in dry areas so it causes more problems and dryness. Usually I put lime juice on because it surrounds foreign particles so my body can use white blood cells. But if for some reason with the rattan thorns, I couldn’t stop it from itching and bleeding until I starting putting saliva on them. Saliva cut the symptoms in half. When I would stop using saliva and put on lime or pineapple juice to break it down, it would cause more symptoms. We have more than 2-3x the bacteria of a dog or cat – don’t bite anyone. That’s why dogs and cats lick wounds – to put their bacteria to break down and digest contaminants in and under the skin to move them out of the body.

Q: Migraine headaches.

A: … intense headache that can cause you to vomit. Cluster headaches increase every ten to twenty minutes and get worse and worse. They call them suicide headaches because they are so intense and overwhelming that people want to commit suicide. An average headache can cause pain and make it difficult to sleep or function but doesn’t cause vomiting. The brain doesn’t have any nerves in it. You can be awake and talking during brain surgery and never feel them poking and cutting around. The nerves are in the meninges that envelop the brain which is layers of brain skin. So when you have swelling in the brain, it puts pressure on the meninges and that causes your headache. Eighty-five percent of all headaches are caused by salt that causes swelling in the body. Sodium is an explosive when isolated. It is a toxin even when mixed with iodine, sodium iodine or potassium. Iodized table salt is more dangerous because iodine is a poison. That’s what they use as an antiseptic. So sodium causes these explosions in the body and then iodine will kill the natural bacteria stopping it from its job of breaking down the dead tissue for removal from the body. So you have all this heavy contamination in the blood, lymphatic system and neurological fluid because of the concentrated sodium that is isolated and not linked. When sodium occurs in a raw food is will never cause an explosion or problem. But when you cook it, the body isolates it. Any kind of salt is rock; we don’t eat rocks; plants eat rocks. Land creatures and plants aren’t meant to eat salt. When you eat salt, it’s like putting salt on a plant; it burns the roots, blows up. If you want to see proof how that works, go to any search engine you like and put “video frog legs salt.” You’ll come up with a video of these three guys are entertainingly mocking me. They salt these detached frog’s legs and the more they salt, the more they spasm. They spasm for 32 minutes but you only see two and half minutes of it. You put on pepper – a high abrasive and irritant - and you only get one twitch because salt is an explosive but pepper is not. Even though they put iodized salt on, the legs instantly separated the sodium from the iodine within seconds of touching the flesh. So a headache means you have high blood pressure in the brain and it’s putting pressure on the meninges. That’s usually from salt and you can help get rid of salt contamination by drinking some sparkling mineral water with lemon juice, honey and cream. That formula and several others are in the We Want 2 Live book. It almost always works except for some migraines and only reduces a little bit cluster headaches. It is almost impossible to get rid of headaches because you have to decontaminate the brain to reduce the swelling. Eating a lot of cheese helps by pulling the poisons into the intestines. The cheese will collect and hold on to it. As long as you don’t eat honey or fruit with the cheese, it will pass it out through the bowels so you can reduce the load in the blood, neurological fluid and lymph - so that the body can pull the toxins out through those fluid systems and out of the brain. Even the cheese can reduce headaches tremendously and the length of them. So headache formulas and cheese will mitigate.

Q: My mother had serious Alzheimer’s and my dad serious dementia. Will I have a tendency for that?

A: Not if you don’t eat the same bad things that they did. Dementia is usually caused by aluminum and Alzheimer’s usually by mercury. It used to be believed that the majority of Alzheimer’s was caused by aluminum, too, until researchers at the University of Calgary demonstrated how neurons are destroyed by mercury [transcriber’s note: Drs. Fritz Lorscheider and Naweed Syed - https://youtu.be/BtFsy0rQsak]. They showed that the neurological damage done by mercury is identical to that seen in Alzheimer’s. Aluminum does not create those lesions. Mercury comes from vaccines, coal power plant emissions, fish, fillings. Now with the increasing contamination, you’d have to eat a lot of butter and cheese. I did tests in 1988-92 showing that 92% of mercury in swordfish left the body. This is many years later and the levels grow every year because we keep burning coal to produce energy. You have to eat cheese and a lot of butter and maybe coconut cream before and with the fish. In one of my last two newsletters I have a lime formula to help remove heavy metals. This is the way I handled mine – when I was kidnapped and given those three injections after I spoke out against vaccines - H1N1 [swine flu vaccine]. I’ve spent the last two months aching right here. It’s so sore and hurts so bad sometimes I even had to change which hand I use for the computer mouse. And I started getting wrinkled, sagging skin all over the place within about four months after the injections and exploding tissue all over my body so it looked like I had been in a shrapnel explosion. What I do to reduce those is I have a kind of sports formula: a cup of whey, a cup of blueberries, 2 oz pineapple, 5 medium or 4 large eggs, 2 tbl lime juice, 2 tsp lemon juice, 1-3 tbl raw ACV, and then add enough milk to give you a quart. This will remove heavy metals and toxicity. This is the current formula; I keep experimenting. It works a little bit better on the vaccine toxicity stored in my arm than the earlier sports formula. ACV carries those particular amino acids used in chelation therapy. So why do they use these false amino acids that they produce by processing to the hilt with hexane which is either gasoline or kerosene? Even though these chelation drugs may have removed some loose metals like mercury, cadmium, or lead, most of the chelation therapy contaminants themselves don’t come out of the body. ACV has three of those four particular amino acids and the lime juice has the other. So the combination takes care of it without putting frickin’ poisons in your body. But they don’t make money if you’re just going to your food cabinet and getting food. They want to put this chemical into you - even alternative doctors – saying they want to get rid of these metals. But the contamination they create is astronomical. So you feel better for the first few years and then after that you’ll go downhill…unless you’re from Krypton.

Q: [unclear] formula did you say?

A: No, one to two tablespoons of honey. I don’t like too much honey in mine. More than that and I’ll drink it too fast – too delicious.

Q: Do you put raspberries in it?

A: Sometimes I’ll put raspberries in it. It depends. Most often I’m after mercury and the other heavy metals that go in vaccines and blueberries, boysenberries and blackberries – dark berries – are better for that. Going after iodine and iron, I’ll use more raspberries.

A: So your question was about genetics – whether you’ll have the same problems with Alzheimer’s and dementia as your parents. If you continue to contaminate your brain, you will have those and you’ll have glimpses of them when you detox. Just remember, your disease is your detoxification. Your disease isn’t the problem, it’s the cure. What you have to do is aid the body in detoxifying. You have to assist the detoxification process that creates those symptoms. It’s the contaminants that are causing the problems, not the body attacking itself. The most ludicrous thing in the world is believing your body is attacking itself. There is no such thing as an autoimmune system. The pharmaceutical houses use that to scare the doctors who use that to completely scare you. Doctors don’t know any better. They accept this mythological fairytale - this nonsense – horror B-Class movies from Hollywood - as truth. Ridiculous. You have a lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is responsible for removing all waste in the body. The bacteria in the body are responsible for breaking down dead cells, digestion and everything. The body is 99.99% bacteria. You have [something like] 360 bacteria to each human gene. You’re barely 1% human. So the idea of destroying your bacteria is absurd. The bacteria will break down dead cells, recycle them if they can - re-digest them – and send the waste to the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system absorbs them. If you’re lacking all this bacteria with vaccines and antibiotics, the lymph system then has to take the dead cells, make a solvent to dissolve them, and discard the waste. All of it will be waste. It can’t recycle any of it. The lymphatic system can’t recycle any waste. Only bacteria, parasites and fungus can recycle – but mainly bacteria. So, if you eat a good diet and take care of yourself you won’t have dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Q: Yesterday you said you scrape the cheese. I have a five-pound block of cheese. Do I have to cut it all up and put it in glass jars?

A: I leave the block in plastic, take a piece and scrape all the areas that have touched plastic and put it in a glass jar. Or, I put it on a plate with a bowl over it and let it sit out, if I want a lot of fungus to grow. It gets a lot of white molds that predigest it. You can scrape off the fuzz unless you want to go into a heavy mold detoxification – that’s up to you – whether you can handle it or not. It can be a strong detox that can be debilitating. It is fine to eat the mold unless you’re already heavily into a detoxification.

Q: Have you eaten unrefrigerated, fertile eggs with developing chick for their stem cells?

A: I’ve eaten bunches of them in China. They eat a lot of those in Asia and usually go older so that when you open it, the chick is more developed - sometimes with cartilage and bone developing – rubbery. Stem cells is a theory that hasn’t been proven. You’re not going to digest most of the egg when it is developing into a chick unless you’ve been eating a Primal Diet for 20 years, know how to generate a lot of hydrochloric acid, or you blend it into a solution. In an egg, you have every nutrient on this planet. You can let it start developing but once the sinew and tendons start developing you’re just not going to digest it well unless you’ve been on the diet a long time.

Q: Other ways to generate stem cells?

A: Well, you can eat eggs, bone marrow, testes or sperm but have to find a healthy animal or person. Feeding a chicken a vegetarian diet is the worst thing you can do. Chickens are not vegetarian. They’re mainly scavengers and eat rotten meat and bugs. If they eat rotten meat – which they prefer, they won’t eat bugs. They eat carcasses like vultures. That’s why I have Amish farmers butchering their animals and leaving what they don’t use for the chickens who eat it as it rots as well as the ensuing maggots. Usually you see chickens going around pecking each other – because they’re starving. These Amish chickens that are fed my way are walking around rubbing against your leg like a cat and never pecking each other – none of that. If you have to buy eggs, buy eggs from New Zealand. Going to get very excellent eggs from Amish farmers. [unclear]LA.com or rahealthyfoods.com.

Q: Chickens on sprout diet?

A: Again, it’s a vegetarian diet and not that great. Animals that live on sprouts die young. The Amish will feed them sprouts but germinated in whey or early fermenting milk. The animal product gets into the germinating sprout absorbing all the nutrients – freed minerals - and the chickens do very well. The sprouts don’t have to break it down like they do rocks. Plants put out juices into the soil which along with rain help break down the rock to free up and make very fine particles of minerals that can be used inside their cellulose. With milk, the minerals are already there in the proper form and it’s easier. Of course, the sprout would not grow into a healthy vegetable – it would break down and die. My Amish farmers feed it to the pigs, too. But when the sprouts are grown on water and chemicals, then you’ve got a toxic condition.

Q: [unclear] sprouts in milk for us?

A: … still not good for us. Chickens have a gizzard – we don’t.

Q: So either Marilyn’s eggs or New Zealand eggs?

A: Marilyn gets hers from the Amish. She doesn’t sell hers as they’re experimental.

Q: Refrigerated.

A: I know. Just take them out of the refrigerator, put them in the sun in a brown paper bag to get that bacteria growing. I take them in at night but put them out two days – not in direct sunlight which would break down stem cells.

Q: Yellow and watery rotten eggs stimulate intense detox?

A: That’s just barely fermented. When they’re black they’re really rotten eggs - that’s the way the Chinese eat them. They’re as good as they’re predigested. No detox – just feeds the brain and nervous system. I talk about rotten eggs in my newsletter. I have 1500 pages in my newsletters. I decided not to do any more books. They’re expensive to print and put in storage. The publisher is losing money on my books so I’m doing newsletters.

Q: So, to make a high egg do you just poke a hole and put it outside?

A: No hole or you’ll have maggots and tiny flies. They would digest differently and would feed the glands a little bit but wouldn’t necessarily feed the brain and nervous system. When I really want an egg to rot well and predigest, I take the rounded side of a metal spoon and tap it until I hear a big crack. Then I’ll keep turning and tapping all the way around getting big cracks, not tearing the membrane. Then the oxygen isn’t really getting in. More light is passing in - not enough to cause it to harden but to blacken with bacteria. Outdoors, it needs to be above 80 degrees. Indoors it could take six weeks. [Rotten eggs] don’t really smell until open and then only within 6 inches. The taste is like a really salted hard-boiled egg. Have to put blinders on because it looks ugly and the smell is not too good. Use swimmer’s nose clips. This is something you should eat if you have depression, your mind isn’t clear and you’re not thinking well.

Q: If it needs to be 80 degrees can’t do it in the house in winter.

A: What temperature is your house – 68? Everyone should be having a hot house. Your house should be 79 or 80 degrees to perspire these poisons out of the body especially if you’re not taking hot baths every day. If you have a warm house and are taking hot baths, you’re going to get healthier much quicker. I use one of those insulated radiators that has fluid inside. So it doesn’t have that orange filament that dries the air so badly. I got it online.

Q: Sears.

A: Do you have a question?

Q: Would it be OK to chop and liquify about 8 to 12 oz grass-fed beef liver or chicken liver with 8 or16 oz of juice composed of celery, kale, garlic, ginger, and lime? My question is the alkalinizing effects of vegetable.

A: That is the issue: What happens when you put alkaline juices with the meat that needs acid bacteria and digestive juices? They’re going to neutralize each other and you’re not going to digest much of it. May be 60% of the meat and less than that of the vegetable juice. Like I said in my books – never combine them or you’re not going to feed the brain and nervous system very well. If you’re going to have vegetables with your meat meal, it should never be anything other than an herb - and no more than 2 tablespoons with an entire meat meal.

Q: Your recipe book [unclear]…

A: In my recipe book, I combine the liver with MILK as they’re both acidic and require acidic bacteria to digest. You have to wait at least an hour – or two hours - between after meat before vegetable juice unless it’s juice you have first thing in the morning and then you wait 45 minutes to have meat.

Q: I have to have an egg in my vegetable juice to be able to drink it.

A: Too alkaline [for your system].

Q: Onion with liver?

A: Liver and onion are good together. Gorillas eat a lot of onions to help them digest all kinds of food. They’ll chew on leaves and roots and spit out the pulp so they consume a lot of vegetable juice. They eat onions especially when they eat meat. People don’t know that gorillas eat meat. Like a menstruation cycle, every 28 days gorillas will eat a whole antelope – up to 13 pounds of meat in 24 hours.

Q: Less than a cup of onions with the liver?

A: You only need a little bit of onion, unless you want diarrhea. One time I intentionally developed a tapeworm. I had had constipation my whole life – 58 years - and I mixed this formula I thought would give me a tapeworm and it did. I was in Vietnam several weeks later when I noticed I had the tapeworm – little flat noodles moving around in the toilet. A tapeworm is actually a colony of hundreds or even a thousand [individuals] linked together. I got this craving for onion so I went across the street from my hotel to this outdoor market and ate half of one like an apple. Delicious for the half I ate and then it became repulsive tasting. Within six hours I had diarrhea and I lost 45 feet of tapeworm. I was furious because I had worked so hard to get the tapeworm to take care of my constipation problem. I only moved about once every five days as a child and adolescent. Then when I went on the raw diet I went almost every day but the first part of the fecal matter was as big as my fist and like granite. The rest [of the movement] would be smooth. Unless I only ate liquid foods in which case I would go may be every five days without much to discard. So onion [unclear – can purge?] a lot of friendly things in your intestinal environment.

Q: Why would the first part of your bowel movement be rock hard and the rest smooth?

A: It happens to a lot of people. When we eat raw fats, the intestinal tract and organs will absorb almost all of it. So when the food gets down to the bowel where the bacteria breaks down those protein and fat molecules to finite size to feed the brain and nervous system, there’s not much fat left in that food. The body will hang on to it and keep trying to draw all that fat out and it gets very hard and brittle and it’s like passing granite. I bled every time I had a bowel movement up until I had that tapeworm. After that, from age 58 - I‘ll be 66 in less than a month and a half – I’ve had just a little bleeding when I’ve had large movements may be eight times. Used to be every time. By the time I was 21 years old, I had an inch of scar tissue all around my rectum that would tear and bleed. I figured out that the tapeworm helps the intestinal environment by eating up dead cells in the colon, like the scar tissue. Sure enough – it did it.

Q: Doesn’t it also eat a lot of nutrients you’re trying to get?

A: No. In third world children that get tapeworm, they’re being fed cereals and it feeds on high carbohydrate stuff in the intestine so it saves the people from getting too much carbohydrate. Pharmaceuticals and medical profession want you to attack anything that will make you healthy. They do not make money unless you are unhealthy.

Q: Bill Gates gave these African children vaccine that paralyzed them.

A: [unclear] disease. [transcriber’s note: MenAfriVac – new vaccine touted as a preventive cure for meningitis – ca. 50 children injected December, 2012, stricken in village of Gouro, northern Chad.] The U.S. and British governments gave Africa 125 million doses of smallpox vaccine contaminated with AIDs. That’s why they got AIDs.

Q: How did people over here like Rock Hudson get it?

A: Hepatitis B vaccine. AIDs was created in 1961/1962 at UCLA and given immediately to the War Department. The War Department was doing a lot of germ warfare experiments and had to find “undesirables” on whom to experiment. They decided on homosexuals so they looked at health conditions in the major cities of New York, Houston, Los Angeles and San Francisco. They found that 90% of the people that were getting hepatitis were homosexuals taking amyl nitrite [poppers] – with all the drugs they were using. These people were partying a lot – sometimes 5-6-7 days a week and coming down with hepatitis because they were destroying their livers. Hepatitis is a viral cleansing meaning that cells of the liver are creating solvents to dissolve and eliminate damaged liver tissue. Viruses are good things but they are not alive. They said they had a remedy - Hepatitis A and B vaccines. Absolute bullshit but these homosexuals were going for it. So 90% of the people with Hepatitis B in those cities were delivered that vaccine specifically by the NSA War Department. Ninety percent of those people who got AIDs were homosexuals who got that vaccine. Ten percent were heterosexuals who got that vaccine contaminated with AIDs. The real story if you want to look at it is that there were 234 or 236 cases as of 1996 where one of the partners was diagnosed with AIDs. They used contraceptives for the first few years but then stopped. After 14 years of having sex with a partner with AIDs, the other partner never got AIDs. Not one of them. The only way you can get AIDs is by injection with something that has that contamination in it or you get a transfusion with contaminated blood. Just as the only way you can get swine flu is swine flu vaccine. The only way you can get avian flu is avian flu vaccine. You’re not a pig; you’re not a bird and you cannot catch these viruses. It is possible if you have birds or pigs that are highly contaminated, sloughing off dead cells and you inhale them that you’ll get a virus that is similar. But it will never be a pig’s or bird’s virus; it will be a human’s virus made [by that body] to digest and break down the pig’s cells in a human body.

Q: AIDs is not sexually transmitted?

A: No.

Q: I saw [Dr. Robert Willner] inject himself [with HIV positive blood] on camera. He says there’s no such thing as AIDs; it’s just a category of disease that already exists; if you die from pneumonia and you are HIV positive, then it’s AIDs. If you’re HIV negative, it’s not. If you go to Canada they don’t have as much because they rate it differently.

A: There is an AIDs with specific symptoms created by the toxins put in a vaccine, like the smallpox vaccine in Africa. Basically, it damages the body’s ability to digest and utilize fats. It damages the lymphatic system. That’s why they say it damages the immune system. There is no such thing as a fucking immune system. You’ve got a cleansing system called the lymphatic system. If you break that down, the body can’t cleanse itself. So the contaminants they created in the experiments at UCLA and the tests that were done were said to create cancer in laboratory animals to study cancer. If that was what they did, why did they give it to the War Department? To use as bacterial warfare. It was a smoke screen and front for the use of it. Dr. Strecker uncovered all of that with his brother, Attorney Theodore Strecker [who wrote a book on it]. Anyway, in the bibliography of We Want to Live it says “Bio Attack Alert.” That is the documentation gotten from the War Department with the Freedom of Information Act with the help of a Senator either from Wisconsin or Minnesota [Transcriber’s Note: I think he means Illinois State Representative Douglas Huff of Chicago]. Both his brother and the Representative were dead within three months of publication of that book. And no one would publish it; he had to publish it himself [Transcriber’s note: http://www.umoja-research.com/strecker_memorandum.htm].

Q: How to increase hydrochloric acid?

A: Either beet juice or corn. It has to be organic; can’t be GMO. Two ounces of beet juice a day or a whole ear of corn will increase it pretty rapidly. Urine may turn a little red.

Q: Can you mix it with other juices?

A: Yes, but it won’t work quite as well. I prefer you have beet juice first (by itself – no cream), wait five minutes, and then sip the rest of your juice.

Q: How long?

A: If your stomach or intestines are not making hydrochloric acid, you have to take it every - or every other - day for up to six years… if severe. But the only people I’ve seen that need to take it that frequently are in their 80s and 90s as they’ve stopped manufacturing hydrochloric acis.

Q: Any truth to A-negative blood being associated with low thyroid?

A: No. That is a random culling; there are just as many people with that condition in other blood types. The pharmaceutical industry and medical – even alternative – are always trying to find some measurement to say you need this. Every person that came to me from Dr. D’Adamo’s blood type diet had anemia and one had leukemia from his diet. He told some that they shouldn’t eat meat. Dangerous man for certain people.

Q: I don’t feel like my bladder is fully emptying when I urinate. When sexually aroused, I have urge to pee. Inflamed prostate?

A: No, that’s a weak urethra. Could be a weak bladder but if you’re have the sensation in the penal area, it’s the urethra. If the tension and pressure is up here, could be the bladder, too. Your nerves are probably not fed well. You could use some high meat and rotten eggs to help those nerves. When a male mammal has sex, he always urinates during sex. The ammonia cleans any high acids or contamination out so the sperm won’t die when ejaculation finally happens. And those people who say you can get pregnant in pre-sperm ejaculation – absolute crap because the ammonia in the urine destroys the sperm so it’s impossible to get pregnant until you ejaculate.

Q: I’ve heard that if you go twice in a row without urinating in between could be semen left inside.

A: It depends how long between. If you’re having sex for a while you’re going to be peeing a little bit constantly. It’s going to be draining. I’ve looked at probably 92 samples and it’s always mucus and urine but never sperm. Because it’s mucus-y people think it’s sperm. I didn’t see one sperm cell. If someone has already ejaculated, they may have some sperm in the ammonia, urine and mucus. But with urine involved, those sperm are dead; they will not swim. The whole point of ammonia in the body is to harness toxins. The kidneys form most of the ammonia in the body and that is to keep the red and white blood cells from entering the kidneys. If they were in the kidneys every time you urinated, you would lose them and become anemic. The body is so simple if you don’t get caught up in the crap that the medical profession instills into you with fear and confusion. I go all over this in the workshop DVD – how the body works and why the diet works.

Q: I have a torn tendon in my ankle that’s not healing – three years trying everything.

A: If your tendon is not attaching, you have some metal, formaldehyde, chemicals or something where it won’t join. Just like an ulcer. Ulcers won’t heal as long as they’re contaminated. Once the contamination is gone, the cells can fuse together. Mix clay with coconut oil (or olive oil which is second best) and a tiny bit of water and into a firm paste and pack it on that area and cover with a damp piece of sock or cloth. Then piece of plastic food bag over that so it doesn’t dry. Finally, wrap it with an Ace bandage. You don’t want the clay to dry because it will damage the skin. You want to pull it out through the skin. Use at night, all day long. You can use a piece of plastic food bag over it but never cellophane which out-gases forever. It is one of the most toxic plastics there is; it has petroleum powder on it so it won’t stick together but that powder will get into your food. …not too tight – you want circulation.

Q: Immobilize?

A: No, if you keep mobile, you’ll clean it out faster. Blood and nutrients will flow through faster. When people are sick, it is always best to keep mobile. [Take] hot baths and [use the] hot water bottle on it, too, with a towel to tent that heat in. When I had that motorcycle accident and this tendon went here and that one went there and they wanted to reconnect them, clean out all that bone and everything, I said no. It only took 12 days for them to grow back and mend but there was contamination from toxicity in my body and I felt they were connected only weakly. I didn’t put clay on [regularly?] and it took 2 ½ years. If I had done clay diligently every day, it would probably have been 3-3 ½ months.

Q: Diet?

A: Pineapple is good and, if you’ve got heavy metals in that area, blueberries. If it’s iron, iodine in that area, then you use raspberries. Use vinegar to help remove toxicity from that area. Then, once you feel strong in that area, you put bone marrow on it.

Q: Old bone marrow?

A: Stinky but it’s predigested so you’ll absorb it into your skin faster.

Q: Scrape surface of marrow because of packaging?

A: I scrape the top of everything that comes packaged in plastic.

Q: When I first came to see you ten years ago one of my many complaints was long-term constipation and in my regimen- I took notes - theoretically there was a cup of olive oil in there but I didn’t do it right away because I didn’t know how to go about drinking it but eventually somebody showed me a recipe for chicken ceviche where after you pour off the lemon juice you add olive oil, onion and cucumber. That tasted good and I had it for years. Then I had olive & vinegar salad dressing and detoxed like a neon light. Then you saw that I was thinner and you said cut out the olive oil; that was to help me sleep because I was detoxing too much at night. I want to add the olive oil back in the chicken thing.

A: You’ve been on the diet too long to be eating a lot of olive oil. You need to use the suppository. The ninth page of the product list tells you how to do the suppository and what it is: put 3 tbl each of coconut cream, dairy cream, and butter with ¼ tsp honey in a 4 oz jelly jar, shake it and put it in a bowl of hot water (not hot enough to burn hand for 6 seconds but uncomfortable), leave in 4-5 minutes and fill bulb syringe. Get on all fours and bark like a dog injecting it as far up as possible in the sigmoid colon. Do this right before bed and hold it in and go to sleep. The reason you have chronic constipation is – as I said earlier – the body is absorbing all of the fat in the small intestine so it’s going to the organs and not the brain and nervous system. So there’s very little fat that’s getting into the bowel so you’ve got to feed some fresh fat to the bowel to correct that. You only have to feed it every three to seven days when the bowel bacteria is deficient again. Some people that have a terrible condition with that when they start on this diet - I have them do this every day. It is much better than using olive oil which is mainly for detoxification. The butter and cream are mainly for healing and stabilizing tissue. The coconut cream is a milder detoxifier than the oil. You’ll see your mind works better – everything works better because now the bowel which digests the fat, the brain and nervous system gets fresh fat that it never gets. Now [unclear] the nervous system.

Q: Where to get a syringe…

A: It is on my product list. The only thing you can find at the drug store is the 2 oz ear syringe.

Q: My daughter has a dislocated hip that goes in but then goes out again.

A: It would heal unless there’s some kind of toxin there. Dogs and cats do not perspire through their skin – only through eyes, ears, nose, mouth, urethra and rectum – so that is not going to work. Put clay on there unless it’s already being built into the skin. Feed her lots of cheese and butter.

Q: What is normal body temperature? In the morning mine is 96.5.

A: It depends upon the person. Your body is always doing the best it can and it’s a genius. It varies, but the guidelines are always to make you think you’re screwing up. And what happens if you take high blood pressure medicine? If you’ve got high blood pressure, it’s because of congested arteries or you’re fat and have pressure on your arms and you’d better have high blood pressure. Lower blood pressure and you get depressed. Blood pressure, cholesterol fluctuates but everything should be high except for hormones that should be low. Fasting levels are not a true test. Your blood is [unclear] itself. Don’t even do them – they’re senseless. Any of their tests are basically to scare you. For example, the cancer treatment test: before sixty years ago, if you had 500 cancer cells per million, that was treatable cancer. Sixty years ago, they changed it to 50 cancer cells per million. Why did they do that? There’s money in treating cancer. The last time I had blood work was at Washington University in St. Louis. I did not fast. I drank milk probably two hours before I went in there for the glucose tolerance test. They give you sugar, wouldn’t let me take honey and let me tell you, I was shaking from that little bit of sugar. Raised my blood pressure, heart beat - everything it was so toxic. My sugar level for the first time was 191, I think, and within three hours it was down to 104 and within the next 30 minutes it was down to 92. They said that was great that usually it stops at 104 and I had been an “incurable” Type I diabetic.

Q: You don’t exercise, right?

A: No. I don’t have activity rings in the irises of my eyes. They indicate how much hormone you produce for physical activity – activities that keep you moving - every day. I dance around on the computer may be 20 hours a day, talk on the phone for two hours, when I’m seeing patients, talk to them may be 5-6 hours, carry groceries may be once a week. That’s my exercise. But other people have to exercise. Only way you can determine how much exercise you need is if you have anxiety; you have hormones for physical activity that are not being spent. People that have six activity rings need six hours of activity. [I consulted a] twelve-year-old girl with 14 activity rings. Her parents brought her to me. The most I had seen before that was 11 rings in professional athletes who live to exercise or heavy-duty construction workers …heavy-duty activity requiring strength and endurance, like a marathon runner. I said she has 14 rings – I had never seen it before - and they couldn’t put her in a regular school. They have to put her in a sports school or some kind of school with activities – athletics, singing and dancing. If you put her in a regular school, she will not be able to focus or concentrate unless she’s exercising strenuously 10 minutes every hour. If she can’t focus, the body will take over – muscles, glands will take over. They said that’s why they brought her. They have to find some sport she likes. I said basketball was hardest and she said she hated basketball but loved baseball. I said I that I hoped she was the pitcher and she said yes - and that solves it right there. She was a tomboy with so much adrenalin, testosterone along with estrogen. She’s sitting there kicking and fidgeting in the chair. Her parents thought she was crazy. She’ll have to always be involved in sports or become a massage therapist, or something else very physical.

Q: Importance of sweating.

A: Remember I talked about the plastic fats in the body. No matter how much you exercise, your body is not going to get over 101.2 degrees. You need the water to get up to 102, 105 or 106 or even 108 or 110 to melt those things – eliminate those toxins.

Q: Keep your house hot.

A: Yeah, and when you go to bed take several [seven?] hot water bottles with you. Put three beach towels under you and put a bottle here…and here…and one at the head and sweat. Neck, underarms, breast, crotch and thighs. Steam room or sauna are too hot – minimum of 132 degrees. Infrared is lower but then you have 215 milligaus.

Q: I’ve been taught that a fever of 105 can damage your brain.

A: I’ve had even infants go up to 106.7 degrees and never cause brain damage. If you’re in the hospital and they’re injecting medication, it gets into and damages your brain. It’s the chemicals in the medications that do the brain damage.

Q: When I put hot water bottles by my head when I go to sleep, I wake up after an hour or two... wide awake.

A: That’s good. Wait until you get tired again, then go to sleep again. I woke at ten o’clock last night, worked for a couple hours to, then took off and watched movies all night long and all of a sudden at 6:30 start to get a little sleepy - half an hour before my call-in time and I can’t go to sleep so I get on my computer and work. I slept three hours.

Q: [unclear]

A: When I first met you, everything was red and inflamed all around here: your eyes, your mouth, teeth, nose. Your whole body was inflamed with poisons. Now look at you. It’s been a slow process but I see the whites of your eyes. You’re not squinting all the time like this. You were in very bad shape. And you were skinny.

Q: What can I do about Raynaud’s disease - which is a circulation issue in my hand?

A: Every night wrap a towel around a hot water bottle and your hand and go to sleep like that. If you’ve got bad circulation in there, it’s trans-fatty acids blocking your lymphatic system and your circulation.

Q: Pineapple?

A: Pineapple can help. You could rub pineapple there but if you put pineapple on more than once a day, you are likely to burn your skin. Say one day you put pineapple on your hands and wrists before using the hot water bottle for the night. The next night you could use vinegar and that will chelate some of those toxins, break them down. But the heat is the main thing to get everything moving.

Q: How do you keep the water hot?

A: Put the hot water bottle in a flannel pillowcase, wrapping the extra material around it in several layers so it won’t burn you. Then put your hand on that and wrap everything in a towel. It will keep hot for seven hours.

Q: [unclear]

A: But you can’t make it quite as hot if you use their flannel that is only one layer.

Q: Will it take years?

A: No, not necessarily. Everything expels pretty fast through the hands and feet. I doubt it would take a year doing that every night.

Q: Advice for family member not on Primal Diet. He was diagnosed with late stage Barretts. He says it was healed because his esophagus is now clear but it’s moved to the stomach. So he’s being told to take … antacid…

A: He just needs to eat cheese about every 30 minutes to absorb those poisons. He’s cleared most of the heavy toxins from the esophagus. Now he has those in the stomach lining to eliminate.

Q: Does he need to rebuild hydrochloric acid?

A: Does he have a hydrochloric acid problem when he eats raw milk or raw meat? He may not need that unless he took so many anti-acids that he has damaged his stomach lining. If so, he needs to have 2 oz beet juice a day or a small corn on the cob.

Q: Activity after injury.

A: Not saying to exercise with it - just don’t sit there and baby it. Get up and walk, go the bathroom.

Q: I’ve had flu the past several weeks and all I want to do is stay flat on my back and rest.

A: It is not good to be sedentary the whole time. Be active at least two hours a day. Get up, make your food, take a shower…

Q: I love egg whites and butter in the eyes. I wore glasses since I was 12. I had my eyes examined and had to go down three levels on my prescription – this is after may be 4-5 years [on diet]. Butter really works but gives me blurry vision and red eyes for a couple days.

A: That is a sign you’re not building enough tears to protect the eye. It’s like mucus. Have one milkshake a day. And, make sure the butter is fresher so it’s not so acidic.

Q: A lot of times I do leave my butter out.

A: Not for the eyes because that will cause that acidic bacteria to pre-digest and it’s very acid. Especially if you don’t have good tears.

Q: Butter and egg white in the eyes?

A: Yes, it helps heal the cornea and improves vision. Butter works a little bit better. Melt it and [gently] tap it like this …pull the lower eyelid down, rub it along the bottom of the white, and roll your eye around. With butter, you will have foggy vision for about 30 minutes, with egg white for about 2 minutes. You could alternate days or do egg white in the morning and butter at night before bed.

Q: Why do they tell you that you need thyroid?

A: They’ll tell you any kind of scare stories to get you to take medicine whether it’s hormones, insulin, thyroxin, testosterone or estrogen. Like I said in my DVD, endocrine glands are for emergency purposes only, hormones are for emergency purposes only. People that eat cooked food, take chemicals all day long in their food, medicines – their bodies are in emergencies all the time so their bodies are going to be producing a lot of hormones. If you’re on a good diet, your energy comes from fat and a little bit of protein. So, as long as you’re able to digest your fats and proteins properly, you’re going to have plenty of energy. You don’t need hormones to back you up in energy. But the pharmaceutical industry loves pointing to hormones – you’re low in these, take these - $1200-1800/month. It may cost them 10 cents a pill but they’ll charge you $18-$50 or $60 per pill when it comes to hormones. And those hormones are never real. They’re synthetic developments of what look like hormones in protein structure, certain limpid structures. They manufacture something that looks like it but it will never truly work like a hormone should. It will only partially be used and the rest will be toxic leading you toward greater disease. Also, that gland will shut down. If you have a thyroid problem, eat dates, cheese and butter. It specifically stimulates the thyroid.

Q: Raw meat, too.

A: Raw meat provides the proteins you need to form hormones.

Q: That juice you make out of raw tomatoes and lemon juice with a little apple cider vinegar keeps the thyroid moist?

A: Uh-huh.

Q: … two baths a week with coconut cream, salt, milk, and vinegar. The area between my shoulder blades across my back got tight and then there was a burning sensation and the following week was itchy.

A: Well you probably have iodine, salt or sulfur coming through your skin. Any one of those three moving out dries your skin pulling the fat out of your cells. If you have that again, rub in butter. The toxins are coming through and drying out the skin causing itching. On scalp, it will help hair grow because when follicles are dry can’t build hair properly.

Q: You mentioned putting butter in your nostrils. Great idea.

Q: And it’s good for removing eye make-up. So healing.

A: You could remove it with coconut oil or olive oil first and then put on butter because you don’t want to absorb the make-up with the butter. You could use fermented coconut cream and make-up will come off faster.
