Blood Types For Meat

(Appendix P)

There are three basic blood types when determining what meat someone should eat regularly. These types are:

1. People who naturally have acidic blood easily produce red blood cells. They do not naturally produce enough white blood cells. Generally, this type should eat mostly white raw meat (fish, fowl, rabbit) to be balanced. If they eat red meat more than occasionally they will have a tendency to be irritable, impatient, overanxious and overaggressive.

2. People who naturally have alkaline blood easily produce white blood cells. They do not naturally produce enough red blood cells. Generally, this type should eat mostly red raw meat (beef, lamb, venison) to be balanced. If they eat white meat more than occasionally they will have a tendency to be lethargic and tired (anemic)

3. People who naturally have a balanced blood pH produce a balance of red and white blood cells. Generally, this type should eat both red and white raw meat to remain balanced. Few of this type can do fairly well as vegetarians.

Type 1 usually has a ruddier complexion, holds a tan easily, and/or has a high adrenaline level (that is, they have a lot of physical energy).

Type 2 usually has a light complexion, his or her tan fades moderately to quickly, and/or he or she is more emotionally and mentally oriented than physically oriented.

Type 3 normally has a balanced complexion, tanning cycle, and a near-even balance of physical, emotional and mental energies.

A person can change from one of these blood types to either of the other types many times throughout his or her lifetime.